Charging in the mobile phone, report to the waste two cars

Author:Wuhan Fire Time:2022.08.07

August 3rd

In a community in Jiujianghukou County, Jiangxi

A van suddenly raised white smoke

And quickly ignite the fire

It also spreads a car next to it

After finding the fire, the owner's friend immediately used the indoor fire hydrant to save the fire with the people on the scene.

After the firefighters arrived, using water guns, fire extinguishers, etc. to extinguish fire extinguishing and cooling, and the bright fire was completely extinguished. But the van and the car on the side were severely burned.

The driver recalled: "I drove the car, stopped temporarily, the car did not turn off, and then I went to do something. I might forget that it was relatively long. After ten minutes, I returned to my car and got angry. At that time, the car was on fire. There is no mobile phone inside, there is a lighter, a charging flashlight in it. "

After on -site investigation and preliminary determination, the accident was caused by the spontaneous combustion of the mobile phone in the car.

related case

At the end of June, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a fuel vehicle suddenly smoked in an open -air parking lot. The fire was quickly extinguished by the security guard, and the firefighters continued to cool the vehicle with water guns after arriving.

Firefighters' exploration site found that the engine was intact, and the "culprit" of the fire was suspected to be a perfume ornament on the interior console.

In early May, in Chizhou, Anhui, in a car, a refrigerant bottle (flammable and explosive item) stored under the rear windshield (flammable and explosive items) exploded under the sun. people.

High temperature weather continues

Many vehicles parked outdoors are exposed to exposure

It seems to be a big steamer

Especially under high temperature in summer

The temperature in the car can be increased to 60-80 ℃

In this high fever environment

Mobile phone batteries are prone to spontaneous combustion and explosion

Aluo reminds you that in order to create a safe in -car environment

The following high temperature is easy to get fire/explosion items

Please don't put it in the car

Source: China Fire Fighting Jiangxi Jiujiang Fire Fighting

Edit: Li Bin

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