"Pulse" for the health of the bridge, "open the way" to the road safety

Author:Hubei Highway Time:2022.08.08

Recently, the Zhongxiang Highway Department and the bridge technology unit carried out a three -day regular inspection of the Zhongxianghan River Bridge. The Zhongxiang Hanjiang Bridge is located on the G347 South Germany Line, with a total length of 1584 meters and a width of 12.5 meters. It was opened to traffic on November 18, 1993. It is an important bridge connecting the traffic in the west film and urban area. Essence In May 2020, the Zhongxiang Highway Bureau Changda Maintenance Company carried out a reinforcement transformation of the bridge, replaced the branches under the bridge, handled the cracks of the beams and plates, the steel plate reinforcement, the laying asphalt bridge surface, and the fence refresh, etc. It provides security guarantee for the people of the city, and also presents a fresh and beautiful visual effect.

The regular inspection of the bridge starts on August 1st and ended on August 3. It mainly focuses on the upper structure and lower structure of the bridge. Fill in the regular inspection record table. Through regular professional inspections, the "health status" of the Hanjiang Bridge will be grasped in time, and precise maintenance countermeasures are proposed according to the inspection situation, laying a good foundation for the safety operation of the bridge.

Source: Jingmen City Highway Construction Maintenance Center

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