"Four Focus on Four Focus", Hedong District, Linyi City, build a beautiful new home

Author:Hedong Rong Media Time:2022.08.12

In order to solidly promote the creation of the "Beauty in the Farm", carry out in -depth upgrading and upgrade activities, and realize the "one household driving a batch, a batch of influence one piece, one push and one village". Combined with the improvement of the living environment, the beauty of the family beauty, the beauty of the household, the beauty of the house, and the beauty of the house, and help the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Focus on the leadership of party building. The party building and bringing women's construction and women's construction to promote party building. As a bridge between the Women's Federation as a bridge between the party and serving the women, combining the "Beauty in the Farm" demonstration work with the party building work and the dual reporting work, and use the work of "beauty in farmers" as an important starting point for work to improve the grassroots party party Organizational cohesion, leading power and centripetal force. As of now, the district's "Beauty in the Farm" demonstration households have created 12,845 households.

Focus on "head geese" drive. Give full play to the role of the Women's Federation, relying on women's homes, women's homes, women's micro -family and other positions, do a good job in the creation of publicity work of the "Beauty in the Farmhouse", give play to the unique position and role of the masses in the family, and effectively guarantee " Beauty in the farmer's "demonstration creation effect. The Women's Federation Executive Committee is the main force of publicity and promotion, the pioneer of demonstration created, and gradually form a long -term normal mechanism of "creation -driving -creation".

Focus on reward assistance. Continuously improve the love supermarket points exchange system, and continuously update the types of rewarded items, supplementing small items that are closely related to the lives of the masses. Through points exchange, carry out positive incentives, and guide more families to participate in the demonstration creation activities with the "passing band" effect.

Focus on work fusion. Based on the characteristics of the Women's Federation's work, give full play to the advantages of the "joint" word, and focus on the "beauty in the flag" to implement the "beauty in the farmhouse". Take the opportunity of the living environment of the human settlement as an opportunity to carry out the "" Beauty in the Farm "centralized exhibition" activity; combine the practice of civilization in the new era, carry out volunteer services, "beauty in farmers" training, mothers' quality improvement training and other activities; keep an eye on civilization The creation of cities, solidly carried out the work environment and the garden landscaping, etc., promoted women to start from the family, start with changing life and hygiene habits, realize everyone's participation and family sharing, and set off a wave of cleaning of the people to build a beautiful new homeland.

(Written Zhang Zhen)

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