Yunpu Ballad 丨 Network Biography Jiangjin Fire will lead to a large -scale power outage power company in Chongqing urban area: No such news is not released

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.21

Internet information

Cover reporter Luo Weili

On the afternoon of August 21, Chongqing citizens were scared by a network news. The news states that "(Chongqing) Urban Power Supply Company urgently notified that due to the rapid spread of Renxiang mountain fire in Zhiping, Jiangjin, the city power company will issue a power outage of power outages in the region, mainly involving Dadukou and other areas of Jiulongpo. At that time, industrial and residents Use electricity to stop. "

At around 6:25 pm,@下 下 下 Power Supply Company released a special statement on its official Weibo.

State Grid Chongqing City Power Supply Company Weibo screenshot.

The full text of the special statement is as follows: On August 21, the Internet widely spread the urgent notice of the urban power supply company: Due to the rapid spread of Renpu mountain fire in Zhijinzhuan, it is about to endanger the Luoyu Power Plant and its transmission line. Residents of the surrounding areas are evacuated urgently. Once the power stations and power distribution facilities are endangered, the municipal power company will issue the order of power outage in the region, mainly involving the Dadukou and other areas of Jiulongpo.

After verification, the professional management department and individual of our unit have never posted such information to the outside world. Please do not believe in rumors or rumors. I believe that the power department will properly prevent and dispose of fire on the impact of fire and ensure safe power supply.

The official media of Jiangjin District "Jiangjin Release" released on the morning of August 19th that at 22:00 on August 18, a mountain fire occurred in Renlong Village, Zhiping Town, Jiangjin District. Jiangjin District launched an emergency plan for the first time, and the organization's force was expelled. At present, nearby residents have been evacuated in time and no casualties. The area of ​​overfire and the cause of fire is being investigated.

The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangjin District Party Committee of Chongqing City said that there is no update of mountain fire rescue for the time being.

[If you have news clues, please report to us. Report WeChat Follow: IHXDSB, Report QQ: 3386405712]

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