Luliang City 2022 "Promoting Consumption Quality Life" 6 · 18 topic promotion consumer activities start

Author:Luliang Radio and TV Station Time:2022.06.18

In order to further release consumption potential and promote consumption upgrades, on the afternoon of June 17, Luliang City, 2022, hosted by the Municipal Commerce Bureau, Li Shi District People's Government, and co -organized by the Municipal Cultural and Tourism Bureau, " 18 Topics Promoting Consumption Campaign Start in Li Shi District, bringing a new round of consumer benefits to the general public.

[Live on the spot] Lu Liangtai reporter Chen Ran: I am now at the scene of the launching ceremony of the launching ceremony of consumer activities in the 2022 "promotion consumption quality life" of Luliang City. The preferential event of full benefits will be launched online and offline, bringing a new round of consumer benefits to citizens.

According to the unified arrangement of the province, 2022 "promotion consumption quality life" 6. 18 special consumption activities will continue from June 17 to June 26. The event will integrate resources such as e -commerce platforms, physical commerce and other resources, give full play to the advantages of new formats such as online celebrities, live broadcasts and goods, and promote consumption replenishment and potential release in various promotional forms, continue to ignite the city's "fireworks", and continuously stimulate new consumption new new consumption new. Hot spots.

[At the same time] Li Xingyu, a staff member of the Marketing System Construction Section of the Municipal Commerce Bureau: This event covers a series of online and offline promotional activities such as e -commerce platforms, large physical business super preferential benefits, live broadcasts, and brand promotion. By creating a promotional pattern of business travel, Wenyou, and entertainment, more consumers can enjoy discounts and promote the continuous recovery of consumption.

During the event, the city will organize large -scale commercial super -commercial, retail stores and other promotional activities such as reduction and exemption, discounts and other promotional activities, and combine the issuance of electronic consumer vouchers to combine physical stores with online operations to realize online and offline drainage, stimulate consumer vitality , Help product sales.

[At the same time] Ma Rongrong, deputy president of the Municipal E -commerce Entrepreneurship Association: During the event, we have more than 30 anchors to broadcast live for no less than 8 hours a day during the event. It mainly promotes our various special products of Luliang and plant grass to consumers nationwide to "diverse diversified grass "Shanxi Multi -Luliang" expands the influence of local brand, promotes our outstanding products in Luliang and Shanxi, and increases the popularity and market share of Shanxi's specialty products.


Reporter: Li Ziye Chen Han

Broadcast: Zhang Yifan Wang Hongwang

Edit: Wang Ning

Trial: Geng Ruishan Zhang Yingying


New Media Editor: Geng Yanpeng

New media review: Zhang Yanan

New media producer: Geng Ruishan Zheng Fangmin

Service Hotline: 0358-8280011 17635462229

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