"She" is here!The Municipal and District Women's Federation entered Shawan to make suggestions for the revitalization of the countryside

Author:Panyu Terrace Time:2022.06.19

On June 17, the Guangzhou Women's Federation and the Panyu Women's Federation jointly hosted the "Beautiful Country Tour+Empowerment" event of the "Rural Revitalization Action" in Shawan Ancient Town. Fu Die, Vice Chairman of the Guangzhou Women's Federation, Zhou Ruifang, Chairman of Panyu District Women's Federation, and Vice Chairman Wang Minling , Leadership of the Women's Federation of other districts in Guangzhou, leaders of Shawan Street Office, representatives of women's representatives of enterprises in Panyu District, experts in rural revitalization participated in the event.

At the event site, there are local products such as Meiledo, Wang Laoji, Guanhua Peanuts, Guanhua Peanuts, Guan Huashan, Jiashuo Gujian, Capital Emperor, and Dairy Queen to display them. , Online and offline help Panyu District Famous Product Promotion and Promotion.

Introduce Panyu District to carry out the "Rural Revitalization Action" measures

In the session of empowerment salon, Wang Minling introduced the measures to carry out "rural revitalization actions" in Panyu District. The first is to actively promote the women's entrepreneurial small guarantee loan loan project of the Women's Federation of Guangdong Province to help "six stability" and "six guarantees". The second is to carry out scientific and technological innovation actions to build a group of Guangdong Province entrepreneurial bases. The third is to play the role of women's innovation and entrepreneurship bases in the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, promote the launch of female science and technology talents to participate in the Greater Bay Area Women's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, encourage college students to participate in college students' innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, and provide high -quality innovation and entrepreneurship services for women's science and technology talents. The fourth is to screen six villages to create the first batch of "Guangzhou City Yantouyan Village" to promote the formation of a new style of civilization in rural families, and to consolidate the powerful co -operating with the development of urban and rural integration and development. The fifth is to build a group of provinces and municipalities such as the ancient town of Shawan, to cultivate good tutoring and cultivate good family style. Sixth is to provide guidance for women's innovation and entrepreneurship.

The organizer also invited a group of outstanding entrepreneurial representatives, such as "Shawan Dairy Queen" dessert shop chief Wang Xiu Tian, ​​Xinweihuang Advertising Co., Ltd. Wang Weilian, Guangzhou Pearl River Meiledo Drink (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Director Deng Shumin, Mo Wanshan, general manager of Shawan Ancient Town Tourism Development Co., Ltd., shared the deeds of their entrepreneurial employment while helping women at the same time. Subsequently, experts from the Tourism Management Department of South China University of Science and Technology Bi Dou Dou made wonderful comments on rural revitalization and other rural rejuvenation, and planned to promote the work of rural revitalization.

Finally, the guests visited the innovation and entrepreneurship and homestay industry of Shawan Ancient Town.

Text/Picture: Panyu Rong Media Reporter Wu Hongying Yang Song

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