Zhengzhou high -quality and efficient promotion of the field of key people's livelihood in the field of health and health

Author:Henan Province Health and Heal Time:2022.08.28

At the "Zhengzhou City 2022 Press Conference on the Performance of the People's Republic of China in 2022" held on August 27th, since 2022, Zhengzhou has continuously optimized health and health services, solidly promoted the implementation of health and health and people's livelihood projects, and promoted high -quality and efficient advancement. All key people's livelihood in the field of health and health have come effectively.

Zhengzhou Juli improved the grassroots health and health services, and comprehensively promoted the construction of close medical communities in all counties (cities) in the city. Six counties (cities) were built into 7 medical communities, all of which were listed. The construction pattern of the close type of medical community in the county has basically been formed, and the medical treatment rate in the city reached 96.6%. The city implements the three -year action plan for the construction of the community health service system, completed the construction of 100 government -led community health service centers; implemented the three -year action plan for the construction of grass -roots medical and health institutions, and carried out the standardization of village clinics and the transformation of public property villages; In the same way, 25 secondary and above hospital support 71 township health centers, promote the sharing of high -quality medical resources urban and rural areas, and strive to allow the masses to enjoy high -quality medical and health services at the doorstep.

In order to benefit more people, Zhengzhou City has increased the funding standards for the screening and hearing screening of newborn two diseases from the provincial 100 yuan/example to 140 yuan/example. The yuan/example is increased to 200 yuan/example. The city has expanded the two cancer screening people from rural to cities, and has achieved full coverage of urban minimum guarantee people and rural poor people, so that more people can enjoy free services. As of now, the city has carried out a total of 42,000 free cervical cancer screening, and 43,900 cases of breast cancer screening; the coverage rate of prenatal screening in maternal mothers was 68.67%, and the coverage rate of newborn screening was 99.99%; 48,900 cases were checked and 43,800 cases were completed in early screening of lung cancer. The current work progress and time are promoted simultaneously, and the screening rate exceeds the provincial and municipal goals.

In order to improve the ability of infants and young children's care service, in 2022, Zhengzhou City included the improving the inclusive care service capacity project of infants and young children under 3 years of age into people's livelihood. Less than 50) Street inclusive education centers, 50 (not less than 30) township inclusive centers. Statistics show that at present, the city has established 11 nursery guidance centers and 19 street inclusive care centers, and 74 Puxi TCT Center has started construction to complete 62.3%of the annual tasks.

At the same time, Zhengzhou has continued to improve the quality of medical security and continuously improves the multi -level medical security system. Zhengzhou City incorporated the cost of ordinary outpatient clinics in insurance employees into the scope of guarantee, supplemented the shortcomings of the system, and formed a "trinity" outpatient treatment guarantee system for personal accounts, outpatient coordination and slow special diseases, which improved the level of guarantee and stabilized the treatment expectations. Since its implementation on July 1, a total of 1.0436 million people have enjoyed the benefit of outpatient clinics. The medical insurance fund has paid 121 million yuan, and the reimbursement ratio exceeds 59%, which has effectively reduced the burden of outpatient medical expenses of the masses, especially the elderly.

Since 2022, Zhengzhou City has implemented a total of 181 varieties of drug procurement of drugs organized by the country and Henan Province, and 4 batches of medical consumables. The price, completely changing the situation of primary medical institutions with medicine supplementing medicine and consuming medical treatment, medical insurance compensation rate reached 99.91%. Zhengzhou City incorporates more good medicines for life -saving and emergency into medical insurance reimbursement: 74 new types of negotiated drugs are added, and the new crown therapy drugs Azf's fixed tablet is included in the reimbursement scope. 870 types of Chinese medicine preparations are added.

Source: Medical Health Newspaper

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