Xu Yixian presided over the 120th executive meeting of the Luoyang Municipal Government

Author:Henan Business News Luoyang Ne Time:2022.08.29

On the morning of August 28, Xu Yixian, deputy secretary of the Luoyang Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over the 120th executive meeting of the municipal government to analyze and dispatch Luoyang's economic operation work, and study the scientific and technological innovation and the development of cultural tourism industry.

The meeting analyzed and judged the economic operation of Luoyang City, and listened to the opinions and suggestions of relevant departments, counties and districts. Xu Yixian emphasized that one must be accurately scheduling and resolutely complete the goal. Departments at all levels should carry the political responsibility of stabilizing economic development, in accordance with the target unchanged, the task is not reduced, the responsibility is not loose, adhere to the problem orientation, highlight the quality and efficiency, scientific and precise scheduling, strive to expand increment, curb reduction, prevent and control, prevent and control control Variables, ensure the completion of the goals and strive to make more contributions. Second, we must seize opportunities and strive for development initiative. Seize the national policy window period, accurately plan projects in accordance with the standards of superiors, report the docking of normal and long -term reports, effectively improve the quality of the project, and strive for more policy development financial capital. Third, we must serve efficiently and boost corporate confidence. Promote the activities of "Ten Thousands of Enterprises", implement the "Four Insurance" enterprise whitelisting system, and promote the tilt of resources, elements, and policies towards whitelisting enterprises. Strengthen leadership subcontracting and targeted cultivation. More than 600 new "four companies" are added throughout the year. Fourth, we must make every effort to ensure the construction of the project. Improve the coordination and dispatch mechanism of major projects, actively ensure the factors, crack bottleneck restrictions, and promote the construction of projects, nodularization, and promote project construction to ensure that the Ningde Times and Hailan Group projects are substantially started as soon as possible to form more physical investment. Fifth, we must innovate measures to promote consumption recovery. Planning a number of characteristic consumption activities, focusing on stabilizing the consumption of the community, expanding online consumption, activating offline consumption, and promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. At the same time, it is necessary to make overall development of safety, do a good job of preventing and controlling the prevention and control of the epidemic, safe production, and stable petitions, and make every effort to ensure the autumn harvest and lock the bottom line of the "three guarantees".

The meeting listened to the report of scientific and technological innovation and deployed the next work. Xu Yixian emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the provincial "top ten strategies", adhere to the "six new and" "five -chain coupling", establish a department of research and development of the department, the "top ten and ten fast" enterprise incentive mechanisms, promote the formation of "basic research+technology Covering+results transformation+industrial incubation "full process innovation chain. Focus on the frontier of industrial air outlets and science and technology, establish scientific and technological credit awards, corporate financing docking mechanisms, guide more banks to open "science and technology loan" business, and inject "financial live water" for technological innovation, industrial transformation, and lanes. It is necessary to highlight the advantages, focus, make up for shortcomings, and build national innovative cities at a high level.

The meeting studied the development of immersive cultural tourism and script entertainment industry and rural homestays. Xu Yixian emphasized that it is necessary to seize the period of industrial opportunities of the Wenyou style, closely linked to "disruptive creativity, immersive experience, youthful consumption", adhere to the market -oriented, relying on resources, standardize, professional, and characteristic development The script entertainment industry should plan the rural homestay project according to local conditions, comprehensively promote model innovation, format innovation, product innovation, and create new advantages in the integration of literary and travelers.

The meeting also studied the development of green low -carbon circulation, the adjustment of the benchmark land price, the increase in quality of high -growth enterprises, and road naming.

Source: Luo Bao Merchants

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