Wang Yubo emphasized at the province's deepening of the reform of the "decentralization service" and continued to optimize the business environment.

Author:Yunnan released Time:2022.08.29

On August 29, after the reform of the "decentralization service" reform continued to optimize the business environment TV conference, our province then held a meeting to deploy and implement the work. Wang Yubo, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on optimizing the business environment. "Self -rotating" and "air rotation" has effectively promoted the province's high -quality leapfrog development.

Wang Yubo emphasized

Deepening the reform of the "decentralization service" is to optimize and adjust production relations and vigorously liberate and develop productivity. Grasping development cannot engage in formalism, and reform cannot also engage in formalism. We conscientiously implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council's decision -making deployment and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, and have achieved obvious results in accurately implementing policies, improving service efficiency, optimizing the business environment, and cultivating market entities, which have strongly promoted economic growth. All localities and departments shall accelerate the construction of a high -standard market system in accordance with the requirements of the central deployment and the work of the provincial party committee and provincial government, comprehensively improve the level of protection of the rule of law, plan and promote the construction of the southward land and sea channel, actively connect with international traffic rules, continue to build marketization , Rule of law, international business environment. It is necessary to firmly grasp the criteria for judging, focus on the cultivation and expansion of market players, and focus on the market entities, strengthen the private economy, stimulate the "dual innovation" vitality, promote economic development, deepen the "decentralization service" Reform and continue to optimize the business environment. It is necessary to grasp the key tasks, promote the optimization approval of the entire chain, the whole process of fair supervision, and the accurate service of the full cycle, and keep the bottom line in accordance with laws and regulations, and promote the better combination of effective markets and the government. It is necessary to optimize and improve the method path, strengthen policy design, encourage the first trial, and open up the policy to implement the "last mile", so that the people and market entities can be perceived, applied, and affordable. It is necessary to implement the responsibilities of all parties, strengthen system thinking and overall concepts, efficiently cooperate with reform, grasp specific, and optimize, and make every effort to start the efficiency of Yunnan, Yunnan Service, and Yunnan Integrity Brand. It is necessary to fully cooperate with the supervision work of the State Council, and make a reform of the problems and reforms.

Wang Xiangang presided over the meeting. Ren Jun, He Lianghui, Zhang Zhili, and Sun Can attended the meeting. The responsible comrades of relevant provincial departments attended. Each state (city), county (city, district) set up branch venues.

Written article: Zhang Yin

Photography: Gu Bin

Edit: Li Nan

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