State Drug Administration deployed standardized decorative color contact lenses for special rectification actions

Author:Chinese medicine Time:2022.08.30

On August 30, the State Drug Administration issued the "Notice on the Development of Special Rectification Actions for the Special Rectification of the Production and Operation Behavior of Devitaring and Victor" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). Organize a three -month -old special action operation and operation operation operation behavior of standardized decorative color contact lenses.

According to the "Notice", the work goal of this special operation is to severely crack down on production and operation without registered decorative color contact lenses, online illegal sales, non -medical equipment production and operation qualifications, and over -range operations. Cases, punish illegal elements, expose typical cases, eliminate hidden dangers of quality and safety risks, establish a sound mechanism, and form a standardized and orderly market order.

The "Notice" deployed the production behavior of standardized decorative color contact lenses, standardized decorative color contact lenses, standardized online sales of decorative color contact lenses, and severely investigated various types of violations in accordance with the law. The key supervision and inspection content of the pharmaceutical regulatory departments at all levels. For example, in terms of regulating production behavior, the provincial drug supervision department shall focus on whether the production enterprises are organized in accordance with the mandatory standards and registered product technical requirements, whether the procurement of raw materials and supplier management meets the requirements, etc. The pharmaceutical regulatory department shall focus on checking whether the operating enterprise operates the decorative color contact lenses that have not obtained the registration certificate, whether it is unlicensed to operate decorative color contact lenses, whether it is over -the -scale operation, etc. For online sales, the drug regulatory department shall check medical device key key inspection of medical equipment Whether the third -party platform of online transaction services strictly fulfills the legal obligations of qualification information review, commodity information monitoring, and disposal of illegal behaviors, whether online sales companies show production and operation licenses and product registration certificates as required, and whether the relevant information issued online is registered with registration with registration Keep the content consistent.

The "Notice" requires that drug supervision departments at all levels should strengthen organizational leadership, formulate a work plan for supervision and inspection in accordance with the actual situation, decompose and refine the target tasks, and implement it in accordance with the progress of the order; To strengthen the coordinated supervision and joint punishment of the same network information, public security, health, health, customs, and market supervision departments to jointly crack down on illegal and illegal acts; strengthen publicity and guidance, and popularize the knowledge of decorative color contact lenses. The State Drug Administration will organize inspection teams in a timely manner to supervise and inspect the supervision and inspection work of various places.

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