Promotion policy introduction talents help development Time:2022.08.31

Promotion policy introduction talents help development

Panhuang Street, Yantu District, Yancheng District, Jiangsu Province carried out a new round of talent policy preaching

In order to enhance the awareness of the "Yellow Sea Pearl Talent Plan" and the district's "Duzhihui" talent series of policies, and let the talent policy "dividend" benefit more companies, on August 30, the Talent Policy preaching meeting of Yandu District Panhuang Street Special activities ended successfully.

This event was directed by the Organization Department of the Yantu District Party Committee. Panhuang Street was sponsored. Participants had nearly 60 people including high -level talents, person in charge of the enterprise, entrepreneurial talents, secretaries (villages) of communities in the streets of the street, Essence In order to further promote the promotion of talent policy, better provide services to high -level talents, effectively enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and talents, and borrow the beauty of livable pony gaps, gather high -end elite talents, and form the vividness of talents to promote development and develop talents. On the situation, the event site issued a series of policy documents for the city and district talent and the most talent policy of the city's talent policy and Jiangsu Yancheng. Sun Zhengyuan, deputy director of Panhuang Street, preached to the city's "Yellow Sea Pearl Talent Program" and the district's "Duzhihui" talent policy. Focusing on the "Du Zhihui" talent policy after the optimization and improvement of the district: implementing 4 plans (leading talents, leading talents, support for industry talents, convergence of young talents, quality talents in specialized talents), increased support (independent entrepreneurship, scientific research innovation innovation innovation , Financial guarantee, major event activities), creating 3 platforms (enterprise R & D, science and technology incubation, empowerment of value -added), improvement of 3 services (talent living, enrollment employment, life recuperation), implement 3 rewards (university institutions Recommended, headhunting institutions, and employers to educate talents) have carried out comprehensive and detailed explanations, helping policies to land, benefiting talents and benefiting enterprises, and building a communication and exchange platform for government and talents. Among them, from the aspects of gathering industrial talents, innovation and entrepreneurship support, and promotion of higher standards for citations and talents, we introduced talent policies and innovation measures in funding support, innovation and entrepreneurship, and service guarantee.

This talent policies' preaching activity is another important talent activity to promote the implementation of the city's "Yellow Sea Pearl Talent Plan" and the district "Duzhihui" Gao Cai project. Further expand the talent policy, cover, and benefit, let enterprises and talents enjoy policy dividends, and attract more "thousands of miles" in Pan Huang's innovation and entrepreneurship.

The lectures responded enthusiastically. The participants on the spot actively participated in interaction. The lecturers gave a detailed answer on the policies and practical levels, and they received unanimous praise from all parties. In the next step, Panhuang Street will continue to carry out regular talent policy preaching activities, open up the "last mile" of talent services, inject strong talent for the high -quality development of Panhuang Street's economic and society, and provide strong talent support. (Panhuang Street Science and Technology Talent Office, Yandu District, Yandu District, Jiangsu Province: Shen Yan, Jiang Tingting)

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