Two large crocodile crickets were found in the pool of Guiping in Guiping, Guangxi. These foreign invasive species should be vigilant

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.31

Recently, the crocodile birds have taken advantage of the attention of netizens: In order to catch the two crocodile crickets in the case of the case, a scenic spot in Henan has been pumped for more than a month, and finally fishing successfully. After this, everyone also knew that this foreign species was not a good stubble. What is even more worrying is that the trace of crocodile cigarettes was found in a pool in the Xishan Scenic Spot in Guiping, Guangxi.

The crocodile cricket grows a crocodile -like long mouth, the larvae look not friendly, and the adult is even sharp. This is an out -of -the -box foreign species, and it is also the "net celebrity" during this time. The two crocodile birds in the waters of Guiping Xishan Scenic Area were reflected to 12345 after the tourists were discovered, and then the relevant departments were surrounded successfully. After weighing, the two crocodile tubes weighing 7.02 kg and 8.32 kg, respectively.

At present, the online sales and personal purchase of crocodiles are not illegal. Even due to multiple spots on the body, the crocodile crickets were sold on a certain e -commerce platform in the name of "blessing". However, there are also many shops on the display map: viewing use and prohibiting release. In addition, the offline ornamental fish market is not uncommon.

Non -normal shooting: (boss, is this the net red fish now?) Yes, crocodile catfish.

The reporter visited found that in the Guangxi flower and bird market alone, there were more than half of the ornamental fish shops selling crocodile seedlings, which were sold at 25-50 yuan/piece.

Normal shooting: It eats more and grows fast. (Fast, right?) Half a month. (Is this good?) Okay, good feeding, don't take care of anything.

However, because of the "notorious far away" as foreign species in these days, many shop owners have also showed their attitude of not selling crocodile crickets.

Non -normal shooting: Candardine can be raised so much. If you raise it, you ca n’t put other fish in your fish tank, and you can eat any fish for you.

In other flower and bird markets, some shop owners also bluntly said that they had sold crocodiles before, but now they are not sold.

Non -normal shooting: Now I do n’t make it, that fish is not easy to sell and it is also prohibited. This market is almost unwilling to sell this fish.

Expert: Crocodile Trust "" Hundreds of harm and no benefit "

The reporter learned that the state is currently promoting the governance and repair of foreign invasion species, and the list of foreign species is also being further updated.

In 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs called for the ban on the release or abandonment of the major foreign species, including crocodile crickets.

Experts from the Guangxi Institute of Aquatic Sciences said that crocodile crickets are large and fierce meat -eating fish. It is characterized by roughness and rough meat. Class cannot eat its fish or eggs. Moreover, crocodile crickets mainly live in fresh water, and they have a large amount of food. There are almost no natural enemies. Once abandoned in the open waters, as its growth rate changes, the surrounding fish may be eaten and cleaned.

alert! These foreign invasive species

In recent years, the number of invasion of foreign species in my country has shown an upward trend, becoming one of the countries with the worst harm of foreign species invasion in the world. According to the "2020 China Ecological Environmental Statistics": my country has found more than 660 species of invasion.

01 water gourd

The water gourd was native to South America. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was introduced into my country as an ornamental plant. It was promoted as a pig feed. Because of its large reproduction, it was often covered with the entire rivers and lakes. , Destroy the ecological balance in the water.

0 2

"One yellow flower in Canada"

"Canadian Yellow Flower" is an ornamental plant introduced from North America in the 1930s. It has a strong ability to reproduce and quickly possess space in the wild, suppress the growth of local plants, and destroy the ecological balance of vegetation in the invasion.

0 3 Brazilian turtle

Brazilian turtles, also known as red -eared turtles, are produced in Brazil and are produced in the United States. Brazilian turtles are the world's recognized ecological killer. Many countries such as China have listed it as dangerous foreign invasion species.

0 4 Red Fire Ant

▲ The dense red fire ant in the small mound. Photo by He Dingjian, a reporter from the South China Morning Post

Red fire ants are harmful creatures in agriculture, forestry and entering plant quarantine in my country, and are also one of the hundreds of the world's hundred most dangerous assault species. Red fire ants can directly consume the seeds, fruits, young buds, etc., which leads to the reduction of crops, which will also affect the growth and reproduction of some animals. At the same time, the red fire ant injury incident also occurred from time to time.

0 5 Fu Shouluo

Fushou snails, also known as the big bottle snail and Apple snail, are native to the Amazon River Basin, South America. In the early 1980s, it was introduced to China as a edible snail. Because of its strong adaptability and rapid reproduction, it became a huge harm.

0 6 Grassland greedy night moth

Grassland greedy moth is a relocation pest of the global warning of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. It has the characteristics of "special energy", "special energy" and "special energy flying". It has strong reproduction capabilities, fast relocation and spread, and seriously harm the growth of crops such as corn. In 2019, grassland greedy night moth invaded my country for the first time.

0 7 pine materials

Pine materials are native to North America. Pine material nematode disease is a devastating disease caused by pine trees that are parasitic in pine trees and mainly spread the medium in the pine body. After 40 days of infection of pine trees, it died. This disease has a wide range of spreads, fast spread, and difficult to prevent control. It is called the "AIDS" of pine trees.

0 8 hollow lotus seed grass

The hollow lotus seeds are produced in Brazil, also known as water peanuts and grable lotus seeds. They were introduced into China in the 1930s. They were extremely harmful species and were listed as the first batch of foreign invasive species in China. 0 9 coconut heart leaf armor

Coconut heart leaf armor is a major hazardous creature with major danger. It is native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea and is now widely distributed in the Pacific Islands and Southeast Asia. Coconut heart leaf armor has the characteristics of rapid reproduction, strong destruction and prevention.

100 鲳 鲳 鲳 鲳

In July 2012, Zhang Kaibo, a citizen of Liuzhou, was attacked by three fierce fish when he bathed the puppy in the Liujiang River section, and his palm was bleeding and bleeding. After the fish was caught, it was formally confirmed by the expert group to formally confirm that the fish was a Sang's Sawli native to South America. It was a kind of food and a fierce carnivorous animal.

In response to foreign invasion of species, my country's management system is constantly improving. The "Administrative Measures for Foreign Invasion" will be implemented on August 1, 2022.

The measures are clear that the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs, together with relevant departments, establish a census system for foreign invasion species, organize a national census every ten years; establish a motion system for foreign invasion species, build a national foreign invasion monitoring network; establish a system of information release system for foreign invasion species.

The resolution of this problem must also rely on social and individual efforts to prevent foreign species invasion, and everyone is responsible. The Biological Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that any unit or individual shall not introduce, release or discard foreign species without authorization. Don't think that the invasion of foreign species has nothing to do with yourself.

I also remind everyone here

Never hunting because of hunting

And the opportunity to destroy the ecology to the crocodile cricket

Reporter 丨 He Si Mian Xiaohui

Part of the source | South Kingdom Morning Post

Source: Guangxi News Channel

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