From January to July, 136,000 new energy vehicles in Sichuan enjoy nearly 2.3 billion yuan in vehicle purchase taxes

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.08.31

As the first introduction of the European Industrial City in Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu, Huading Guolian Sichuan Power Battery Co., Ltd. has built the largest lithium -ion power battery production base in the country in less than two years, and took the lead in separating vehicles in the industry.

Recently, Deng Jijun, the company's financial leader, told reporters that the acceleration of enterprises all the way to benefit from innovation -driven, and it has benefited from the sufficient "fuel" brought by tax discounts. In 2021, the enterprise R & D investment reached 26.9 million yuan, and the R & D expenses were deducted from about 22 million yuan. Since this year, they have also enjoyed the deduction of various types of tax preferential policies for nearly 19.7 million yuan. Tax dividends have allowed enterprises to dare to try in innovation research and development.

In the context of the "double carbon", new energy vehicles have become the focus. Many new energy and new forces car companies are competing for competing shows. From the front end of production technology to the back end of the sales service, the new energy brand reflects intelligent and personalized. Automobiles have become a new trend of automobile consumption.

According to the latest data of the National Passenger Vehicle Market Information Joint Association, from January to July this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in my country completed 3.279 million and 3.194 million, respectively, an increase of 1.2 times year -on -year, and the market share was 22.1%.

The reporter learned from the Sichuan Provincial Taxation Bureau today that Sichuan New Energy Vehicle has performed well. From January to July this year, 136,000 new energy vehicles in Sichuan enjoy nearly 2.3 billion yuan in vehicle purchase taxes. Essence Taking Chengdu as an example, in the first and July of this year, Chengdu's new energy passenger car sales reached 86,000 units, with a growth rate of 159%, and the sales volume ranked fourth in the country.

Recently, the executive meeting of the State Council has decided to expand consumption, cultivate new growth points, and promote the upgrading of new energy vehicle consumption and related industries, decided to continue the tax collection policy to the end of 2023, and continue to be exempt from car taxation taxes, consumption taxes, road rights and road rights. , License and other support. The continuation of a series of tax -benefit policies will undoubtedly take another dose of stitches for the new energy vehicle market.

The relevant person in charge of the Sichuan Provincial Taxation Bureau said that the powerful tax bonus helps new energy vehicles to accelerate the development of new energy vehicles, driving the Sichuan new energy vehicle industry from scratch to good, from car parts, to the realization of the "entire vehicle dream", New energy vehicles "Sichuan -made" accelerated, and initially established a relatively complete new energy vehicle industry system including vehicle, key parts, equipment manufacturing and marketing services.

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Reporter Li Yanling Editor He Qixie Editor Liu Yonghao

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