Hebei: 18 departments jointly developed!"Quality Month" is here!

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.08.31

In order to promote the implementation of the strategic implementation of a strong quality province, and to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions, 18 departments including the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission of the Provincial Party Committee of the Provincial Strategy Leading Group of Hebei Province decided to carry out 2022 in September 2022 In the province's "Quality Month" event.

1. The theme of "Quality Month" event in Hebei Province in 2022

Promoting quality change Innovation and promoting strong quality province construction

2. Main activities

(1) The main activities of the joint organizer

1. The Provincial Market Supervision Bureau has carried out in -depth quality improvement actions, and promotes outstanding achievements and typical cases of strengthening comprehensive quality management and improving quality levels in various regions. Continue to promote the quality of private quality, carry out the "quality -lifting strong enterprise" action, "measurement service SMEs" activities, the "measurement service SMEs" activities, the lighting action of the Baijia E -commerce platform, and the improvement of the quality management system certification of small and micro enterprises. In conjunction with the co -organizers, the province's "Quality Month" activity posters were produced. Carry out the best practical promotion activities for quality management. Carry out the quality and safety of consumer goods "entering the community, entering the school, entering the township" education and propaganda activities, "Elevator Safety Publicity Week", "Organic Product Certification Publicity Week", "Service Certification Experience Week", "Green Product Certification and Logging Propaganda Week" Activity. Promote the development of third -party testing laboratory industry exchanges. Carry out assured consumer creation activities and consumer education guidance activities. Organizational exchanges on the on -site exchanges on the improvement of the standard and the protection of business secrets. Increase the publicity of the 12315 platform and 12315 hotline, and continuously improve the effectiveness of the 12315 complaint reporting office.

2. The Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, the Provincial Culture and Tourism Department, and the Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau played the role The 12 major leading industries are high -end, green, intelligent, intensive, integrated, fusion, and security. The organization solves a group of contradictions, bottlenecks, and problems that restrict the development of the industry. Develop highlights.

3. The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology gives full play to the role of benchmarking enterprises 'demonstration leadership, and carry out the exchanges of provincial industrial enterprises' quality benchmarking experience. Organize the "Fashion Hebei" Clothing Exhibition Group to participate in the 23rd China (Shenzhen) International Brand Clothing Fair to focus on displaying and promoting the province's dominant brand products, and promote the interaction of brand clothing companies in the two places.

4. The Provincial Public Security Department focuses on cracking down on infringement and fake crimes, closely combined with the special operation of "Kunlun 2022", detecting a group of major cases, killing a group of criminal gangs, and cutting off a number of criminal chains.

5. The Provincial Natural Resources Department strengthens the standard of standard preparation of standards, organizes the province's standardization training course for natural resources, and organizes the "Natural Resources Standard System" to publicize activities. Continue to deepen ecological protection and restoration and promote the improvement of ecological quality. The preliminary draft of the "Hebei Province's Land and Space Ecological Repair Plan (2021-2035) (Public Edition)" was compiled, and opinions were solicited publicly. Collect and organize a group of social capital to participate in ecological restoration typical cases to publicly release them publicly.

6. The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has implemented three major actions: blue sky, blue water, and pure land, and continued to promote the prevention and control of air pollution. Cooperate with the Market Supervision Bureau to carry out the "double random, one open" supervision and random inspection activities of the 2022 ecological environment monitoring agency.

7. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban -Rural Development focuses on affordable housing, school kindergartens, large -scale public construction, commercial housing, domestic waste incineration power generation and other projects. It continues to organize and carry out quality inspections of construction projects in the province, and severely investigate and punish illegal and illegal acts. Study and formulate the "Management Measures for the Evaluation of Quality Engineering Creation of Hebei Province (Trial)" and "Structural Quality Engineering Rock and Land and Land Survey and Structural Design Guide", guide the construction of the projects to establish quality brand awareness, create high -quality projects in provincial structure, increase Standard inspection and inspection of the application project to improve the quality of construction projects.

8. Provincial Department of Transportation to carry out engineering quality improvement actions. Cooperate with the Ministry of Transport to carry out the supervision and random inspections of the quality industry of transportation related products, strengthen the preparation of local standards in the industry, and improve the quality of the industry's development.

9. The Provincial Department of Water Resources has carried out special actions for quality improvement to enhance the quality awareness and quality responsibilities of all parties in the construction of water conservancy projects.

10. Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department carried out the inspection and guidance of the crop market for the autumn of 2022, increase the investigation and punishment of agricultural capital, strictly investigate illegal acts, do a good job of the quality complaints and mediation of agricultural machinery products, and urge enterprises to strengthen the "three packages" of products " Ability and level. Combined with the actual work, organize agricultural quality and safety emergency management, grass -roots grid staff and other related training.

11. The Provincial Department of Commerce carries out the "Happy Hebei Happy Purchase" consumption promotion activity, provides high -quality consumer goods sources, and guarantees the supply of high -quality consumer goods markets during important holidays.

12. Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism to carry out the theme publicity activities of the quality and tourism market service quality, enhance industry quality awareness, and improve quality supervision efficiency.

13. The Provincial Health Commission adheres to the needs of the elderly and continues to promote the improvement of the service quality of medical and nursing institutions. In response to the outstanding problems found in the 2021 self -examination inspection, it further improves the quality of medical and health services for medical and nursing institutions.

14. Provincial SASAC encourages regulatory enterprises to take the opportunity of quality improvement actions to carry out activities such as comprehensive quality management knowledge competitions.

15. Shijiazhuang Customs strengthened the monitoring of quality and safety risks of import and export goods outside the legal inspection and exports outside the legal inspection and export, and carried out the spot inspection and inspection of import and export goods outside the legal inspection products. Detection. 16. The Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has extensively carried out various forms of labor competitions, and implemented in -depth implementation of the "100,000" employee professional skills contests, taking improvement of products and engineering quality as the focus of the competition, fully stimulated the vast number of employees to innovate and create enthusiasm, actively carry out rationalized suggestions, technological innovation innovation, technological innovation , Technical research, invention creation and other mass technological innovation activities.

17. The Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China deepen the construction of a comprehensive service platform for youth innovation and entrepreneurship (Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei) regional centers, leading the aggregation of more professional youths to actively innovate and create excellent creativity. The services such as youth innovation and entrepreneurship, the 12355 youth service desk are extended to the Xiong'an New District and Zhangjiakou Youth to help the new district's construction and development and the high -quality development of Zhangjiakou. Efforts will be made to enhance the influence of the "Challenge Cup", "Creating Youth" and "Revitalizing Cup", and stimulate youth innovation and creativity.

18. Relevant associations organize the results of the results of the 43rd mass quality management team in the province. Organize the "Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei" Quality Lecture Hall, the provincial enterprise employee's comprehensive quality management knowledge contest, and the satisfaction of user satisfaction improvement activities of SME users. Collect the works of all sectors of society, especially enterprises, industry organizations, and quality workers, and organize 40 years of picture exhibitions of mass quality management activities in the province to review the process and achievements of the province's mass quality management activities in the province.

(2) The main activity of the market supervision system

1. The province's unified activities arrangement

Increase the promotion of activities. The launching ceremony of the province's "Quality Month" event was held with relevant cities. Strengthen publicity and reporting, coordinate national and provincial mainstream media, and make full use of its own publicity platforms such as the official website of the Provincial Bureau and WeChat public account to widely publicize the "Quality Month" series of "Quality Month" in 2022 to create a strong atmosphere of quality development.

Hold a press conference. The press conference of "Hebei Quality Strong Province and Standardization Strategy" was held. Publicize the market supervision department's work measures and effectiveness of the implementation of high -quality provinces and standardization strategies, and introduce the province's "Quality Month" activities arrangements.

Promote the implementation of policy measures. Promote the "Several Measures on Comprehensively Improve the Quality of Products" as soon as possible, strengthen policy and measures, refine the division of responsibilities, and concentrate their efforts to accelerate the advancement.

Organization quality lecture hall. In accordance with the work arrangements of the Provincial Bureau's "Come in", hire well -known domestic experts to preach the national quality development policy and quality and technical basic development strategy to the market supervision system personnel, and improve their ability to perform their duties.

Deepen the service enterprise activities. Comprehensively sort out the actual needs of enterprises and the actual difficulties encountered in the development of the provincial bureau's "service enterprise" activities, distinguish between the commonality and personalized needs of enterprises, and organize experts to continue to carry out assistance activities such as training and guidance. Organize the leaders of the leading enterprises of industrial clusters in key areas to carry out advanced quality management models and methods of experience and experience. Organizational quality management, standard system revision, intellectual property protection, fake and preservation and other knowledge training to promote the improvement of enterprise quality with points. Organize the experience and effectiveness of quality improvement in key areas, and produce publicity videos or manuscripts to promote the improvement of quality improvement in key areas.

Carry out exchanges of quality management experience. Establishing government quality management methods and experience promotion activities for the government quality award -winning enterprises. Municipal bureaus selected 1 or 2 localities to obtain quality awards at all levels to promote the advancement of advanced quality management models, the successful experience of exchange quality management, and promoting the improvement of the industry's quality level.

Carry out "one -stop" service exchange. Carry out the province's quality infrastructure "one -stop" service pilot experience exchange activities, exchange experience practices in various cities, explore the basic models and standards of "one -stop" service "one -stop" service in quality infrastructure, and continuously improve the service capabilities of quality infrastructure grassroots sites. Carry out the "Quality Open Day" activity. Each municipal bureau selected inspection and testing agencies and quality management effectiveness enterprises, carried out the "Quality Open Day" activity, introduced the role of inspection and testing agencies, testing projects, testing processes and service processes, as well as enterprise production processes, quality and culture, quality management, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, and quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, quality improvement, and quality improvement, quality improvement, and quality improvement, quality improvement, and quality improvement, and quality improvement, quality improvement, and quality improvement of the enterprise. Brand development, social welfare and high -quality products.

2. Relevant activities arrangements for municipal bureaus

(1) Carry out "Quality Clinic" to declare such as promotion and other quality diagnosis and research activities

(2) Hold the quality cloud classroom

(3) Focusing on the "Regulations on the Repair and Return Responsibility of Home Vehicle Products", organize the promotion of quality laws and regulations and the exchange of three packs of disputes between household cars

(4) Carry out quality knowledge contest

(5) Speech on the Organization Quality Story Cloud

(6) Carry out "one -stop" service and consultation activities for quality infrastructure

(7) Hold on -site meetings in advanced enterprises in comprehensive quality management, and introduce advanced management models and methods such as excellent performance, Liuxigma, lean production, quality diagnosis, and continuous improvement of quality

(8) Guide enterprises to carry out activities such as QC groups, post training, technical competition, skill competition, skill training and other activities

(3) The main activities of some companies

1. Gree Electric (Shijiazhuang) Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. is organized to carry out the launching ceremony of the "Quality Month" activity in the "Quality Month" activity in the "Quality Month" activity in the "Quality Month" activity of the product quality and safety, solid quality control, innovative quality management methods, and improve the level of the entire staff position. , Digging in the warranty system, quality benchmark selection, autonomous quality innovation and "quality month" and other activities. 2. Junlebao Dairy Group Co., Ltd. conducts large -scale inspections, organizes the training of laws and regulations related to quality, and enables the factory director and key position personnel to empower the law of food quality and safety to enhance the awareness of quality.

3. Chengde Summer Summer Follow Villa Group Co., Ltd. has launched activities such as QC group communication, operational skills competition, quality essay work, and all group quality knowledge competition.

4. Chengde Vanitan New Materials Co., Ltd. will organize special research on the key and difficult problems of the company's key work and product quality, and carry out special research activities for quality KPI.

5. Hebei Reza Heavy Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd. organizes the quality and cultural expert forum, quality special labor competition, quality story evaluation around them, and "quality management audit" pain points diagnosis and other activities.

6. Zhongtie Shanqiao Group Co., Ltd. organizes activities such as quality and technical joint investigation, comprehensive quality management knowledge competition, and product quality customer return visits.

7. Qinhuangdao Jinhai Food Industry Co., Ltd. organizes the publicity week of food safety activities, hidden food safety hazards investigation week, food safety laws and regulations online questions, food safety self -examination, Jinhai food skills competition, knowledge competition and other activities.

8. CRRC Tangshan Company organizes the launching meeting of "Quality and Safety Month", empowering quality and culture, and continuous development of theme forums, carry out quality standard learning activities, "bottom line, supplement defects, hidden dangers, risk prevention" actions, and carry out emergencies Emergency drill.

9. Shougang Zhixin Electromagnetic Company carried out quality micro -class competitions and quality essay activities with themes of quality operation cases, quality objection, quality process management, etc., and organized quality inspections of "look back" activities.

10. Sanhe Huifu Grain and Oil Group Co., Ltd. organized activities such as "quality problems", high quality and safety inspection, and quality management system training.

11. Aurun Shunda Group Co., Ltd. organized the "Baoding Quality Science Popularization Education Base" license, the "Quality Month" oath, the high -level leadership joint supervision, the quality accident case review meeting, the original articles of the public account Feedback special rectification, QC group activity evaluation, quality target challenge, and parallel sharing of quality experience. Carry out the "Group Quality Award" selection supplier quality special forum customer satisfaction and improvement actions.

12. Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. organized publicity activities such as "one good" and "quality consciousness". Hold a comprehensive TOC activity, with user satisfaction as the core orientation, targeted formulation and improvement measures to help the brand improvement. Hold quality education activities to shorten the distance between designers and customers.

13. Beijing Hyundai Automobile Co., Ltd. Cangzhou Branch organizes large inspection of quality supervision, typical case collection and resumption, "should be known" quality knowledge competition, "cost reduction and efficiency" and other activities. Carry out related labor competitions such as "welders", "sheet metal spray painter" and "quality improvement".

14. Hebei Yanjing Beer Co., Ltd. carried out the quality management system improvement activities, and organized various management departments to carry out error correction activities in accordance with the PDCA method to further improve the level of comprehensive quality management of enterprises.

15. Zhongyu Tiexin Transportation Technology Co., Ltd. strictly grasps key quality KPI control points, organizational quality index challenges, quality dual control, QC groups and other activities. Organize quality story mining activities with the theme of "Quality Footprint".

16. Hebei Hengshui Laobaigan Wine Co., Ltd. organized the "Quality Month" activity process report, quality improvement on -site reports, and highlighting public deeds publicity activities. Carry out research on topics and successful solidification experience.

17. Hebei Zhongmu Xuyang Nengyuan Co., Ltd. organized activities such as "Quality Viewing", essays, and quality risk recognition.

18. Hebei Puyang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. organizes skills competition, practical and theoretical competitions. Carry out the selection of "Skills Combat Model" and "Excellent Quality Management Unit".

19. Dingzhou Yili Dairy Co., Ltd. organizes equipment system investigation and "I will escort the" double festival 'to remove hidden dangers "and other activities. Selected the best practical cases such as YLQAS, quality improvement based on consumer needs, and QC group activities. Carry out self -examination and self -correction "I know the job regulations, everyone knows the food safety everyone".

20. Hebei Shenke Electronics Co., Ltd. compiles the "Quality Knowledge Handbook", conducts quality knowledge competitions, organizes internal audit and quality tool training, and skill competitions. Organize the improvement of quality bottlenecks in the organizational quality, helping weak suppliers to quickly improve the quality of materials.

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