Heavy!Shanghai Baoshan 肥 Hefei South, the preliminary design of the north along the Yangtze River high -speed rail was officially approved

Author:Report Time:2022.08.31

On August 24th, the National Railway Group, the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, and the Anhui Provincial People's Government formally approved the preliminary design of the newly built Shanghai to Nanjing to Hefei high -speed railway, laying a solid foundation for the project to start the construction.

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The North River high -speed rail is an important part of the backbone line, coastal and Beijing -Shanghai auxiliary channels for the central and long -term railway network planning "eight vertical and eight horizontal". , Railway passenger channels communicated with passengers in East China and Western Regions.

The project starts from Shanghai, newly built Shanghai Baoshan Station. The total length of the line is 554.6 kilometers, of which the new railway is 519.9 kilometers. The existing railway is 34.7 kilometers. There are 16 stations including the North, Nanjing North, Luzhou, Dashu, Feidong, Hefei South, including 10 new stations, with a design speed of 350 km/h.

The construction of the project has the national strategy of implementing the national “Belt and Road” initiative, supporting the national strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, optimizing the long triangle space pattern, promoting regional integration and development, promoting high -quality development of railway passenger transportation, building a strong transportation country, improving the main transportation capacity of the Yangtze River, satisfying the maintenance capacity Passengers' transportation needs, which is of great significance to balance the development of the Yangtze River and the north -south regions and promote economic coordination. Simply put, the North River high -speed rail is a high -speed railway backbone line based on road network functions and considering intercity functions.

At present, Yangzhou City has fully completed the work of the Yangzhou section of the Shanghai -Chongqing (north along the river) high -speed rail, and laid a solid foundation for the complete land volume work of the next phase of the project and officially started construction. After the completion of the north along the Yangtze River high -speed rail, Yangzhou to Shanghai and Sichuan -Chongqing areas will be accelerated again. At the same time, it will help Yangzhou to accelerate the development strategies such as integrating the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Edit: Fu Xinxin

Editor in charge: Fan Bing

Comprehensive: Jiangsu Transportation Yangzhou Release of Taizhou Release, etc.

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