Directly hit the anti -epidemic line 丨 "epidemic" from "epidemic", they are a group of "retrograde knights"

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.08.31

He Jialin Chuanguan News reporter Zhang Bin Nanchong observed Lan Jingwen

Not long ago, Chongqing broke the mountain fire, and the fire warriors' motorcycle rider "Long Masako" was brave enough to take responsibility and strive for time to participate in extinguishing the mountain fire. In Nanchong's resistance to resistance, there are also such a group of "retrograde knights".

The motorcycle volunteer team is packaging epidemic prevention supplies

"Protective clothing, isolation clothes, masks, and 4 pairs of gloves." At 1 noon on August 30, at the Wufeng Street Office of Shunqing District, Nanchong City, senior motorcycle enthusiast Luo Weizheng and "Mo You" Yang Chun Liu Jiulin and other 8 people packing epidemic prevention materials and checked the number of epidemic prevention supplies per bag one by one. In less than an hour, more than 100 packages of epidemic prevention products have been distributed.

Starting from August 28, the three districts of Nanchong City have lifted static management in the three districts of the three districts, but some high -risk areas are still under control. The demand for epidemic prevention materials has many points, and it is relatively decentralized and inconvenient to transport.

"Motorcycles are fast and strong, and the materials can be delivered within 10 minutes in the streets. Can we form a 'motorcycle volunteer team' and join the epidemic prevention and control team?" On the evening of the 28th, doing things from the streets After understanding the situation, Luo Wei sent his thoughts to the WeChat group of "Mo You".

In the early morning of the next day, the "Mo You" began to gather. The street office, community staff, and volunteer teams have organized a WeChat group. The needs of supplies allocated in the group. On the 29th, the team ran nearly 100 times.

"More can run more than 10 times." Volunteer Liu Jiulin said with a smile. Now the volunteer team is continuously growing, and sometimes it is too late to turn.

"'Moyou' is very upset, and the materials can be delivered in time." The person in charge of the material security group of the social business public service center of Wufeng Street said that in order to protect the epidemic prevention safety of each volunteer, each motorcycle is on each motorcycle. Equipped with alcohol and disinfectant, strictly do personal protection, participate in nucleic acid testing every day, and transport materials under the premise of ensuring safety.

At present, the scope of the transportation materials of the team is mainly concentrated in Wufeng Street. Luo Wei told reporters that if other communities need it, we are also willing to go. ","

"Riding a motorcycle is not to play cool and bombed the street. The real knight spirit is a social responsibility spirit, and the" Dragon Masaki "who participated in the fire of the forest of Chongqing forest." Volunteer Yang Chun said, "The epidemic currently said," The epidemic current , Our Nanchong's "Mo You" will also be tied up, I hope Nanchong will defeat the epidemic early. "

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