Extraordinary ten years watching Weihai | Huancui District: a project "pry" a industrial chain

Author:Weihai News Network Time:2022.08.31

At the scene of the new material project of Guangxi Town, a unit has been unplugged, and 2 or three monomers are undergoing infrastructure, and the workers have stepped up the progress of construction. The Ruili project -centered business promotion work is in a rushing negotiation ...

Under the strong support of the surging boom of the great leadership, the large industrial projects, and the continuous gathering of development elements, the Huancui District is running on the avenue of high -quality development with a running trend.

Zhao Da Yinqiang continues

Entering Weiqiao (Weihai) Aluminum Refinery Processing Industrial Park, the main outline of the factory main body of Aihuahai, China Kejin, and Xinyuan New Materials has been clearly visible. The expected aluminum deep processing industry chain is forming quickly.

A "chain" of a project is a piece of industry, and such a story is staged in Huancui District. Huancui District seized the opportunity to lay out the global layout of the aluminum industry in Weiqiao Group, and accurately launched the new material industry to accurately develop a batch of "national names" enterprises such as Aihuahai, which has been introduced to further strengthen and strengthen aluminum. Industrial clusters have explored the "Huancui model" of industrial chain and cluster development.

In recent years, Huancui District has always regarded investment promotion as a key measure to "stabilize the economy and promote growth", optimize the investment promotion system, innovate investment in investment, extend the contact angle of investment promotion, industrial chain investment, business investment, cloud investment, fund investment, etc. The "golden idea" competes for the end, bringing joy.

In April of this year, the key investment promotion project of "In the second quarter of the tackling and the first half of the year" was signed. Sign signed; in June, organized the third multinational company leader Qingdao Summit to promote the two projects of Weihai Commercial Satellite Manufacturing Base with a total investment of 2.16 billion yuan and a gasoline ship engine.

Based on the location advantage, Huancui District will continue to seize the opportunity of RCEP economic and trade investment cooperation, do a good job of deep cultivation of Japanese and Korean articles, and actively explore the practice in expanding the space for economic and trade cooperation, the industrial chain, supply chain, and innovative chain "three chains"; Focus on superior industries and emerging industries, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, accurately connect with high -quality projects, and strive to introduce more than 10 million US dollars in foreign capital in 2022 and over 100 million yuan in domestic capital.

The big project is good projects up

Entering the New Beiyang Smart New Terminal Industrial Park, the neat and bright workshop, the smart turtle automatically welded and polished each of the robotic arms. Different workpieces were automatically transported by the robot to the corresponding spraying process.

As a provincial key project in 2019, New Beiyang Smart New Terminal Industrial Park has introduced the world's advanced and high degree of automation intelligent production equipment and intelligent storage systems. The level of automation exceeds 90%. (Kit) is the world's advanced and domestic leading integrated intelligent production base, showing a new height of China's smart terminal manufacturing.

Like the New Beiyang Intelligent Terminal Equipment Industrial Park, in recent years, a number of high -quality parks with new project formats such as water treatment and film technology innovation industrial parks, such as new project formats, high scientific and technological content, and strong driving capacity. The project construction results are abundant, and the service mechanism is inseparable. Licensing and cooperation at all levels of Huancui District, the service mode of "1+1+N" is accurately involved, set up a special work class to form a closed -loop management model for the entire process of service and problem of the entire process of key projects. "Huancui speed".

In 2019, the Wanda City Complex project obtained the construction permit 45 days in advance, setting the record with the shortest approval time and the fastest construction speed of the annual Wanda real estate project; in 2020, assist in Baowei New Materials Technology Intelligent Factory Project, using only 10 working days with only 10 working days. Receiving construction permits have refreshed the city's industrial project "landing is to start construction" approval model records; in 2022, it used to help Hon Hai's carbon fiber compound cavity project, from the establishment to the "four certificates" for "four certificates".

"The project is king and the project is the first", this concept is vividly displayed in Huancui District. In recent years, Huancui District has established district -level key project reserve libraries, forming a unique "full cycle, all -round" promotion model. From 2013 to 2022, 634 district -level key projects were implemented, with a total investment of 158.28 billion yuan. 502 are put into operation, and a number of new economic growth points have been formed, which has continued to inject new vitality into economic and social development. (Hi Weihai client reporter Yang Zheng Sun Yiging/Picture)

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