Shijiazhuang medical institutions multi -measures to unblock channels to ensure the needs of the masses for medical treatment

Author:Shijiazhuang released Time:2022.09.01

In order to meet the needs of the general public epidemic, medical institutions at all levels of Shijiazhuang City have adopted a variety of measures while strictly preventing and controlling the epidemic. On August 31, the reporter visited Shijiazhuang People's Hospital on the spot to understand the process of admission during the prevention and control of the epidemic and the hospital's medical treatment service guarantee.

The reporter saw at the People's Hospital of Shijiazhuang City on the same day that the small speakers set up at the entrance played the code scanning reminder and health protection reminder. Everyone who entered the hospital wearing a mask and maintaining a safe interval. After the scanning site code, checking the health code, itinerary card, and the body temperature, etc., entered the hospital in turn. Entering the outpatient building also needs to show a health code and measure the body temperature. In the outpatient hall, in the self -service all -in -one machine, charging window, pharmacy and other areas, some staff remind everyone to keep a safe distance of more than one meter and the order of the clinic.

Zhang Zhenping, deputy dean of the People's Hospital of Shijiazhuang City, told reporters that after the epidemic, the hospital's party committee attached great importance to the deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government, and the Municipal Health and Health Commission, and urgently arranged the hospital's diagnosis and treatment work. Adhering to the principle of "people -centered and patients", the hospital implemented a third -level pre -diagnosis. "Patients enter the hospital's gate and the basement to scan the code to measure the temperature. After entering the diagnosis area, the temperature is measured again, and an epidemiological investigation is conducted. Disease survey. "He said that the hospital encouraged the appointment for registration, the peak was diagnosed, and the patient's medical treatment time was reduced to the maximum extent. The hospital is prohibited from hospitalization, and all wards are strictly implemented for 24 hours. Patients and accompanying personnel do not allow them to enter and leave the ward at will, and they are not allowed to visit other inpatient wards. The hospital strictly enforces must not be accompanied. During the hospitalization process, it is indeed necessary to accompany. A patient only allows a fixed person to accompany him, and the accompanying staff enters the ward with the patient to receive closed management. In addition, the ward also requires ventilation of more than two and a half hours a day to keep the ward cleaning. Patients and accompanying staff are required to strictly regulate wearing masks.

During the epidemic, Mr. Bai's father had an acute left heart failure. Because of the unblocked medical channel of the hospital, his father was treated in a timely manner and turned danger to peace. "It took only ten minutes to call the 120 emergency call, report to the community, and then to the ambulance to rush my father to the hospital. Gradually stable, thank all the medical staff. "Mr. Bai said excitedly.

Zhang Zhenping told reporters that the hospital has adopted a variety of measures to open up medical channels to ensure the daily medical needs of the masses. For these patients with severe critical illnesses, they cannot refuse the diagnosis for any reason. The hospital set up a rescue hospital in a popular kidney. In addition, there were also emergency rescue wystes in the emergency department. For these life -threatening patients, the team would form a team for consultation and rescue to ensure that the patients were quickly cured.

"All medical staff of Shijiazhuang People's Hospital will continue to use practical actions, adhere to their posts, perform their duties, and escort the health of the people in the city." Zhang Zhenping said.

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