In the next 3 years, please be prepared to be unemployed at any time

Author:Ten o'clock reading Time:2022.09.01

In recent days, Huawei has been searched again.

It turned out that Ren Zhengfei, who had disappeared for a long time, brushed the screen network published within Huawei.

He woke up:

"The global economy continues to decline, and it is impossible to turn well in the next 3 to 5 years. We must first find a way to spend these three years of difficult period ...

"First of all, you have to survive, and there will be a future when you survive ..."

For a long time, Huawei has been the most proud company in the hearts of many people. Under the blockade and targeting of the United States, it has achieved rapid development.

Ren Zhengfei's soberness and vision have won the recognition of many people.

However, he never compromised, but this time he was questioned by many netizens, thinking that he was making anxiety and conveying pessimism.

But I feel that this is not a kind of pessimism, but a vision.

In all fairness, under the influence of the epidemic, environmental changes, and Russia and Ukraine crisis, we have faced unprecedented uncertainty.

Needless to say, many people also obviously began to feel that the tide of closure and layoffs became more and more frequent.

But in fact, even if there is no epidemic, the industry has changed dramatically, and the crisis of layoffs is something that will happen in any era.

The epidemic is just to accelerate the trend of this change.

Even such a large company is planning to plan, trying to find a way to keep the development stamina and keep the employees' rice bowls.

Not to mention that each of us ordinary people need a sense of crisis and see the status quo.

I also want to understand a few truths recently, and I especially want to share with you.

A few days ago, a friend said to me, "No industry is long."

This sentence is not exaggerated.

Just like when the media rose, the traditional media fell from high -rise buildings overnight, and the newspaper pavilions closed one by one.

Online payment began to become mainstream, and a large number of bank outlets and branches were forced to close.

Closer to, online education was directly cut off last year, and this year's Internet industry's cold winter.

Even in a system with infinite scenery, reform has been implemented.

The industry collapsed, and it also defeated the countless ordinary people behind survival.

I have a friend who is a double -class university in the school. I studied computers. After graduation, I went directly to a large technology factory.

In their industry, it is no exaggeration to say that it is one of the fastest -accumulating professional groups of social wealth.

The place where they pile up, even the house price is one level higher than the surrounding.

But since the beginning of March of this year, the company's continuous layoffs have been confirmed, and his sense of crisis has become stronger.

He has a 4 -year -old child with a tuition fee of 4,000 yuan per month, and a variety of training courses for one or two thousand.

I just bought a house in a mortgage in the work city the year before, and hollowed out the pockets of 4 elderly people. The monthly mortgage was more than 10,000.

Calculate the living expenses of the last family, the elderly's retirement fee, about 30,000 expenses a month.

He said pessimisticly: "I really can't do it, and now every day is trembling, like a thin ice."

How many people are true psychological portrayal.

Originally, I thought that choosing a popular industry and doing a seemingly stable job can be worried about in the future.

As everyone knows, in modern society, there are basically no stable industries and stable work.

In this era, it really changed too quickly.

In the face of this fate, everyone is a small ant, with an inconspicuous, humble as mud.

There is another recent thing.

My little cousin came to ask me for self -media.

After graduating, she entered a financial consulting company, either to deal with customers every day or statistical form.

Work is leisurely, and there is no need to bear a lot of mental pressure, but she always feels that this life is very boring and the salary is too low.

She also tried to find other jobs, but she was not able to persist for various reasons.

So she found me: "Otherwise, I will do a free career. Anyway, I don't want to go to work anymore."

But when I asked her, when there was any plan, she was confused and couldn't say why she had a savings, and she shook her head.

This incident gives me very deep.

According to conscience, no one likes to go to work, especially when he meets a job that is not interested, every minute and every second of the waiting is suffering.

I can also understand that everyone wants to avoid reality and pursue higher -level spiritual needs.

But let's look at a set of data first:

Didi users fell from 42 million to 15 million, and less than 3/4 of the taxi were taken. Monster charging fell from 30 million to 1.2 million, and shopping for 2/3 people. Ctrip users fell from 25 million to 5 million, traveling The number of people is 3/4 ... The only software that has a growth trend this year is BOSS direct hires, with more than 100 million monthly living and 10 million users in more than 50 days.

This shows what?

The unemployment tide was surging, and countless people were fighting for life.

We are all adults. What is the bottom line of adults? To meet your basic survival needs.

Not everyone has nothing to worry about, nor everyone has a mine at home.

Whoever does not go to work to support his family, who will repay the mortgage, car loan, who will raise children, filial piety to parents ...

When you face the pressure of life brought by various flowers, you will understand:

Ordinary people like you and me do not need us, but we need to work.

All sentient beings are suffering and suffering, and no one can avoid it.

When you have not chosen and retreat, do not run rashly, let alone bet on what you have now.

During the change period, you have no shortcuts except to work well. In 2002, the Internet bubble broke, and Huawei suffered a cold winter.

At that time, the people inside Huawei were heartbroken, and Ren Zhengfei said a word to the employees:

"The future situation is confusing. We must use rules to determine the uncertainty of the results. In this way, no matter how the situation changes, we will not be busy."

Later we all knew that Huawei was successful.

This sentence is also applicable today.

For each of us ordinary people, what is the determination of rules?

It is your ability, your experience, and all preparations at any time in order to survive in the cruel reality.

1. Learning improvement and enhancing self -evolutionary power

Perhaps we do not have such a long -awaited view of Ren Zhengfei, nor the super work ability of Dong Yuhui.

But as long as you do not give up thinking and do not give up, at least you are not the first to be shot on the beach.

2. Internalization migration, grasping the initiative of the workplace

Many people who have been layoffs after the age of 35 are not because of their age, but because of long -term warm water boiled frogs, they have lost their ability to respond in adversity.

In this era, it is not replaceable to your workplace status.

You must polish your majors and cultivate your killer to have a foothold forever.

3. Self -perception, explore the possibility of multi -dimensional dimensions

Adults do not look at unemployment, but the ability to quickly change after unemployment.

In the torrent of the times, we all need to leave the road in advance for ourselves.

You can do a career backup in addition to your job, you can be a foreign language, a technology, a license, and so on.

4. Save money and improve the ability to resist risk

The probability of risk may only be 0.1%, but once it occurs, the destroying force is 100%.

If you want to have enough anti -risk ability, you have to save money.

Reasonably allocate income, maintain financial health, and have more money in your hands, you will be more angry and not afraid of changes.

The world is unexpected, nothing is eternal.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow, it may be better or worse.

It is not a bad sense of crisis. It can at least make people prepare early, so as not to be helpless when the crisis comes.

Lu Yao wrote a sentence in "Ordinary World":

"Destiny is always not as good as anyone. But it is often in countless pains, and in the contradictions and hardships, people mature."

The same is true of life.

We know that countless unknown risks are still buried in the future, but after seeing the truth of life, we still have hope.

In your own way, work hard to make life be practical, and then be practical.

This is the most moving.

Light "watching", don't worry, life is long, and there are still people walking with you.

We all have to go longer, and our tomorrow will be better.

Author | Xiaoyi

Picture | Network (if there is any infringement, please contact delete)

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