Lianlian County: County Science and Technology Coordination and Guiding Fengle Township Traditional Chinese Medicine Materials Science and Popularization Base and Planting Base Construction

Author:Affects Sichuan Time:2022.09.01

In order to broaden the popularity of Chinese medicinal materials, standardize the management of the construction of Chinese medicinal materials bases in our county, and help the development of the leading industries of the Chinese medicinal materials of the county party committee and government, on August 31, the chairman of the county science and technology association Ren Yongsheng and the vice chairman Zheng Xuebin, etc., went to Fengle Township.The construction and guidance of the popularization of traditional Chinese medicinal materials and the construction of planting bases were accompanied by relevant leaders of Fengle Township Convenience Service Center.

Ren Yongsheng and his party successively went deep into the township's village traditional Chinese medicine science and popular science base "Bai Pharmaceutical Garden" and Longtang Village Xuanyin and Ginger Planting Base., Methods, paths, and goals were discussed and exchanged.

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