Make every effort to ensure the order of citizens!Shenzhen city is running normally

Author:Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Time:2022.09.01

"Strive the order of citizens' lives. At present, Shenzhen cities are operating normally, the production and living order is well, and the market guarantees the stable price. The production operations of key enterprises are stable." On September 1, Shenzhen held an epidemic prevention and control press conference.Lin Hancheng, a second -level inspector of the Shenzhen Municipal Health and Health Commission and a spokesperson for the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters.

The city's major agricultural product trading markets, chain super -super, and fresh e -commerce platforms have sufficient supply and stable price of fresh vegetables, meat and other living materials such as fresh vegetables and meat, and have not disconnected or sold out.At the same time, Shenzhen will also efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development. While doing a good job of preventing and controlling the prevention and control of the normalized epidemic, it will fully complete the tasks of economic and social development, and minimize the impact of epidemic conditions on economic and social development.

(Original title "Fully guarantee the order of citizens! Shenzhen City is running normally")

(Author: Luo Liqiong, Chief Reporter of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Newspaper)

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