The largest diameter underwater underwater shield tunnel under construction in China!The left and right shields of the Mom Bay Channel are successful

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.09.01

In the deep night, reporters learned from the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau that at 11:18 on August 30, the Momwan cross -sea channel project facing the "Pengcheng" shield machine and the right "Ma Bay" on the left line of the submarine tunnel to the construction of the construction. The shield machine is smooth at the predetermined location of the sea floor, and the intersection is located in a 30 -meter full section hard rock below the sea level. At present, the stance and excavation parameters of the shield machine are normal. It is expected that at the end of 2023, the Mom Bay cross -sea channel is opened to traffic.

It is understood that the Momwan cross-sea channel project started at the intersection of the Qianhai Free Trade Zone Momwan Avenue and Moon Bay Avenue, and connected with the cross-port of the cross-port of the high-speed shovel bay toll station and Jinwan Avenue-Xixiang Avenue. It is currently the largest diameter of the sea shield tunnel project under construction in China. Momwan cross -sea channel is divided into two parts: ground road and underground road. The underground road planning level is urban expressway, two -way six -lane, and the design speed is 80 kilometers per hour. The ground road planning level is the city's main road, two -way six lanes, and the design speed is 40 kilometers per hour.

In the past month, the participating units have carried out the successful meeting of the shield aircraft, carried out relevant emergency drills in advance, and arranged special personnel on duty. At the same time, they rely on scientific and technological means to monitor various data excavated by the shield at the Digital Management Center of the Momwan Project. The two shield machines on the left and right lines are safe and smooth, which means that the shield machine has overcome the biggest risk of excavation of the submarine, laying the foundation for the successful digging of the shield machine, and providing a guarantee for the construction period.

At the same time, in order to create a good travel environment for the surrounding enterprises and residents of the project, the Municipal Transportation Bureau Construction Center is responsible for the construction of the Mom Bay Cross -Sea Channel Project 2 Bid Section of the Daza Bay ground road to open to traffic in advance, and it will open on the same day in the afternoon. Transportation replaces the road of temporary traffic. This section of the road is 470 meters long, the design standard is the city's main road, the design speed is 40 km/h, and the number of lanes is two -way 7 lanes.

During this section of road construction, many unfavorable factors such as on -site construction conditions, tight construction periods, flood construction, and epidemic stop work. The construction of the 24 -hour uninterrupted construction, eventually completed all the construction tasks of the road as scheduled, laying a solid foundation for the follow -up work of the Mom Bay Cross -Sea Channel Project.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Dong Yuhan

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