Efforts to promote the high -quality development of health and health undertakings

Author:Hebei Communist Member Time:2022.09.02

Winter Olympic Medical Security Team of the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the province has always adhered to the people -centered development ideas, adhered to the new development concept, and resolutely implemented the party's health and health work policy in the new era, so as to use it to do it. The goal of building a large health and great health pattern of large health health, promoting the construction of Hebei, in -depth reform of the medical and health system, consolidating the foundation of medical and health, strengthening the construction of the public health service system, a long -term development of health and health, the sense of gain and happiness of the people have continued to improve.

The province's health and health undertakings have continued to develop. The number of health resources has increased rapidly, the structure is more reasonable, and the quality is significantly improved. In 2021, important indicators such as the number of beds and sanitary technicians per 1,000 population in the province increased significantly compared with 2012. Promoting the construction of medical and health service systems supported by provincial -office hospitals as the core, municipal -run hospitals, county -based hospitals, and primary medical and health institutions supported by primary medical and health institutions, and initially formed a medical treatment for "small illnesses without leaving the country, not going out of the county" medical care " Sanitary service pattern. The per capita financial subsidy standard for basic public health services has increased from 25 yuan in 2012 to 84 yuan in 2022. In 2020, the per capita life expectancy of residents in the province was 77.75 years.

The construction of Health Hebei is strongly promoted. Improve the design of the "Healthy China · Hebei Action" policy, organize the implementation of the "Implementation Plan for the Implementation of the State Council on the Implementation of Action of Healthy China", and plan to implement 15 special operations. Improve the implementation of the organizational structure of Hebei Hebei, and establish an expert consulting committee and 15 special operation groups. Hold the Yanzhao Health Lecture Hall, vigorously popularize health knowledge skills, and guide residents to transform from paying attention to "treatment of disease" to focusing on "treatment." Promote health poverty alleviation, improve the health poverty alleviation policy system, and comprehensively implement health poverty alleviation policies such as "first -diagnosis and treatment", centralized treatment of major illnesses, and family doctors. Carry out the patriotic health campaign, promote the creation of health cities and the "toilet revolution" in rural areas, and carry out solidly carrying out tobacco control work. A total of 7 national sanitary cities and 16 national sanitary counties. In -depth promotion of the popularization of health knowledge, the level of health literacy of residents in our province increased from 10.37%in 2016 to 26.82%in 2021.

The comprehensive results of deepening medical reform are obvious. The first graded diagnosis and treatment results were effective. 297 hospitals above the secondary and 2627 primary medical and health institutions formed medical courses, and 215 medical courses provided remote services for 1298 grass -roots institutions. All the "blank spots" of administrative villages and village doctors can be eliminated, and nearly 90%of families can reach the nearest medical site within 15 minutes. The management system of modern hospitals has been initially established, and the comprehensive reform of public hospitals has been pushed away. More than 90%of public hospitals implement the responsibility system under the leadership of the party committee; Continuous improvement. The construction of the comprehensive regulatory system has been further improved, and the supervision and inspection of various medical and health institutions at all levels has achieved full coverage. The reform of the "decentralization of management service" is promoted in an orderly manner. The provincial -level administrative licenses of 25 main items and 99 sub -items have 100%online. The prevention of the main prescription is further implemented, and the remote medical services are widely carried out. The coverage rate of long -range medical services in county (city, district) has increased significantly, from 45%in 2015 to 89%in 2019.

Provincial five -star education institution -Linxi County Xinqi Yingying Care Center

Medical service efficiency is fair. Actively promote the construction of medical consortia and speed up the shortcomings of the grassroots. As of 2020, 320 medical courses were formed, covering 2627 grass -roots medical institutions; the province's 1962 housing and township health centers and 48796 administrative villages of the province implemented rural integration. The masses "have a place to see a doctor, someone to see a doctor" goal. Focus on the masses "seeing good illness", organize 79 third -level hospitals "group -style" counterparts to help 197 county -level hospitals; implement the "spring rain project", and deputy deputy hospital physicians in hospitals with 865 township health centers in poor counties and villages. Dean. 45 county hospitals and 38 county traditional Chinese medicine hospitals are included in the comprehensive ability improvement project of national county -level hospitals. Focusing on the masses "conveniently seeing a doctor", in all third -level medical institutions to carry out daytime operations; establish an emergency medical call system for disabled semi -disabled and semi -disabled in rural areas, and basically achieve full coverage. Comprehensively implement the national basic drug system, and initially build a mechanism for monitoring and early warning and early warning and early warning and early warning and early warning and early warning and early warning and early warning and early warning mechanism.

Public health protection is strong. Public health services are equal to long -term. Disease prevention and health and health promotion of maternal and children have been continuously strengthened. The national basic public health service projects basically cover the entire process of life, and the electronic file construction rate of standardized residents' health files has reached 80.02%. The prevention and control of major or sudden acute infectious diseases has been further increased, and the province's infectious disease epidemic situation is generally stable. The "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Comprehensive Prevention of Birth Defective Defects" was issued, and the incidence of birth defects was effectively reduced, and women's "two cancers" inspections and child nutrition improvement projects in poor areas were implemented steadily. Strengthening chronic diseases and local disease prevention, and the management of chronic diseases has achieved remarkable results. By the end of 2020, 19 national -level chronic disease comprehensive prevention and control demonstration zones have been established in our province. The prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia has achieved major strategic results, and effectively protects the people's lives and safety. Since the epidemic, the province's health and health system adheres to the general strategy of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound" and the "dynamic clear zero" general policy, and give full play to the general coordination responsibilities. Preface is valid. The pace of construction of a strong province of traditional Chinese medicine has accelerated. The country's first amendment to the "Regulations on the Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hebei Province" of the local traditional Chinese medicine regulations has provided a strong guarantee for the development of traditional Chinese medicine in accordance with the law. The traditional Chinese medicine service system has continued to improve, and the ability of grassroots Chinese medicine services has been greatly improved. The construction of Chinese Medicine Hall has driven the "double sinking" of traditional Chinese medicine resources and the focus of work. Essence By the end of 2021, there were 2097 national medical halls, 98%of the community health service centers, 97%of township health centers, 94%of community health service stations, and 72%of village clinics to provide Chinese medicine services.

Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei Medical and Health Cooperation has gradually deepened. The key medical and health institutions have signed a collective contract with the State Commission (Guan) Hospital and carried out in -depth cooperation. Beijing -Tianjin high -quality medical resources have continuously introduced our province. More than 400 medical and health institutions in the province have signed a cooperation project with Beijing -Tianjin to exceed 500; 156 medical institutions in the province and 329 medical institutions in Beijing and Tianjin realized 43 clinical test results. The institution realizes 20 medical imaging inspection materials. Signed cooperation agreements such as talent exchange and disease prevention and control of the three places to organize comprehensive health emergency drills. Signing with Beijing -Tianjin -Tianjin Agreement to support the development of the medical and health undertakings in Xiong'an New District, and actively promoted the support of the Xiong'an New District deepening reform and expanding open policies and measures.

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