Yiyuan: Community advancement ceremony to advocate tree civilization new style

Author:Zibo Daily Time:2022.09.02

Mount Zibo Daily/Zibo Evening News/Expo News

Reporter Liu Wei

"A red story preach, the popularity of anti -fraud knowledge, a psychological counseling lesson ..."

In order to make the new life that is about to enter the university campus, "the first lesson in life" and take the "first step". On August 31, the Yiyuan County Customs Working Committee and the Yiyuan County Committee of the Communist Youth League, Yiyuan County Public Security Bureau, psychological counseling agency, etc., launched a new era of civilization practice ceremony in the new era of "No Lives in Shaohua · Blooming Youth" in Liyuan County, Yiyuan County. Excellent tradition, enlighten the wisdom of the soul, and help young people grow into talents.

"This event has benefited me very much. It is both encouragement and spur, so that we have entered the university campus with energy."

During the event, Teng Maoju, a volunteer representative of the "Five Old" and "Chunsong" lecturer of Yiyuan County, shared the red stories of his family with the students. Education students inherited the red gene and strived to be newcomers of the times. The staff of the Yiyuan County Public Security Bureau popularize the knowledge of anti -fraud for everyone, help everyone improve the ability of campus fraud to identify, and protect their personal and property safety. Teacher Wang Qinggang, a psychological counseling agency, gave lectures on the spot to help quasi -college students to adjust their psychological state before enrollment. The Duanxian Party Committee recommends that outstanding representatives of college students communicate and share with the students, and "support" the college life of the students.

"Holding a ceremony of enrollment, aiming to spread the new style of the era, promote the righteousness of society, stimulate the fighting spirit of young people's patriotism and self -improvement, and work hard. It is an important channel for practicing the spirit of civilization in the new era. The important way of talent is to promote the majority of young people to enhance the sense of community identity and belonging, and to reserve the community's young volunteer talent team. "Wang Xiaoping, secretary of the party branch secretary of the Lishan Street Community, Lishan Street, Yiyuan County.

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