"Sichuan -Chongqing Love" member of the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce Xichang is replaced on the spot as a community volunteer

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.02

Cover News Profile reporter Luo Shiyi

On August 28, Xichang City, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan suffered a new round of new crown epidemic. The members of the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce who had just experienced the rare high temperature and baptism of mountain fires in their hometown actively responded to the call of Liangshan State Federation of Industry and Commerce. During the battle.

According to Gong Ping, vice chairman of the CPPCC of Liangshan Prefecture and chairman of Liangshan State Federation of Industry and Commerce, Cai Jialiang, president of the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce, took the lead in sending two vehicles as an epidemic prevention and control logistical protection transport vehicle, and other members of the Chamber of Commerce participated in it. On September 1st, Wang Xiaolin took the party volunteer service service in the Marthahe Street Shengshengyuan Community in Beicheng Street in the morning to assist residents in the community for three nucleic acid testing. The Volunteer team of the Golden Polar District of the Yingbin Community, the Golden Polar District, assisted the village committee, the street office, and the industry committee for two consecutive days to conduct a second and third full -member nucleic acid testing. In addition, Xie Xiangjian also called on the company's party members to form a pioneer team to provide supervision services for the free concentrated areas of Dechang County's cabin for free. Other chambers of commerce also actively joined the donation and volunteer service.

▲ Members of the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce in Liangshan Prefecture transformed into volunteers from all streets

As of the morning of September 2, 2022, the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce had donated 232,000 yuan in cash (including the project supervision service fee worth 230,000 yuan) and donated 10087 yuan.

▲ Materials donated by the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce in Liangshan Prefecture

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