Jilin Baishan Xindai Company Discipline Inspection Commission for Discipline Insurance Supervision

Author:China Business Shixun Observat Time:2022.09.02

Recently, the disciplinary inspection staff of Baishan Xindai Electric Power Engineering Industry Co., Ltd. and the staff of the Safety Supervision Department adopted the "four non -two straights" method to the construction site, carried out special supervision of production safety, and gave full play to the duties of "supervision and supervision".

The company's disciplinary committee is based on the positioning of responsibilities to create a "disciplinary inspection+security" working model. It uses special inspections, inspections and unannounced visits, random random inspections and other methods to focus on implementing safety responsibility measures, managers' responsibilities, construction site management, and subcontracting team management and control.Inspection, urge relevant engineering project management departments to compact the main responsibility and strictly control the production safety.Up to now, the company's disciplinary commission has carried out supervision and inspection twice, a total of 3 problems have been found, and 3 have been urged.

In the next step, the company's disciplinary committee will continue to deepen the "disciplinary inspection+security" working model, increase supervision and discipline, compact the responsibility of the main body of production safety, effectively prevent and curb various safety accidents, and be high -quality for provincial management industry units.Develop the foundation.

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