Help North Transformation, Baoshan's "One Netcom Office" Top Ten Science and Technology Innovation Service Measures Release

Author:Shanghai Baoshan Time:2022.09.02

On the morning of September 1st, the "One Netcom Office • Baoshan Science and Technology Innovation Season" helped Baoshan's "North Transformation" special promotion conference at Baoshan Nanda Company. The promotion conference was released and interpreted the top ten service measures for the "One Netcom Office • Baoshan Science and Technology Innovation Season" to help the North Transformation, and to promote the reform measures in key government service fields in the district.

"Ten strategies" of science and technology services

01 Promoting the policy of benefiting enterprises and the people "exempt from shackles"

Create 9 district -level "exemption that exemption" service including Shanghai Science and Technology SME Technology Innovation Fund District -level, Shanghai Science and Technology Giants (including cultivation) enterprise district -level supporting funds Shen is enjoying the "policy.

02 Rich "One Things" Science and Technology Edition Service Matrix

The special brand of "one thing for treasure" is launched, and a new batch of five science and technology innovation "one thing" was launched in the "One Netcom Office" Baoshan Channel, such as the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the overall service of the university science and technology park. Optimized the compliance review of the "one thing" version 2.0 and the "one thing" of the entrance and exit of the listed enterprise.

03 Create the "Good Office" and "Quick Office" to optimize the whole process integrated service service

Optimize 15 district -level "good" services, focusing on promoting a number of district, street -level, and scientific and innovative high -frequency matters for application forms for pre -filling ratio of not less than 70 %. Intelligent pre -review function coverage rate is not less than 90 %, the accuracy rate is not less than 90 %, and the pass rate of the first application is not less than 90 %.

04 Construction to help enterprises to relieve the online service zone

Through the "One Netcom Office" Baoshan Channel to gather tax cuts, convenient financing, and stabilizing employment to promote consumption to help enterprises 'relief policies, promote the "cloud declaration" of helping enterprises' rescue policies, and help enterprises make convenient declarations and one -key direct access. Use an enterprise exclusive webpage to better provide enterprises with precise policy promotion services.

05 Promote the "One Netcom Office" Baoshan Channel to gather more scientific and innovative elements

Docking the "Science and Technology Treasure" platform resources, and publishing outstanding cases of scientific and technological achievements and results transformation of university science and technology parks. Launched the first batch of "Hundred V and Hundred Shun" online gangs to run micro -videos, fingering to help micro -videos on the top, and guided enterprises to apply for high -tech enterprises, "specialized new" enterprises, and invention patents. Continue to do the application function of the "Treasure Pine" policy directly through the vehicle, and provide "one -stop" policy application services for science and technology enterprises.

06 Strengthening the "Applying" App Baoshan flagship store service supply

Continue to expand service matters, special applications and science and technology theme services in various fields such as education and training, medical care, and grass -roots governance. Promote the optimization iteration and experience improvement of access services. Promote the application of the "Running Enterprise Cloud" APP and explore more high -frequency matters related to enterprises.

07 Construction of an exclusive webpage and citizenship homepage with the temperature of science and technology temperature temperature

Promote the precise push and accurate repaction of benefit enterprise policies and convenience services, do a good job of "one enterprise, one file", "one industry, one file", and push the science and technology innovation service resources in a timely manner through the implementation of label management. Relying on the free login version of the enterprise's exclusive webpage, increasing the scientific and technological achievements of the university science and technology park, and other content display, to provide corporate users with deeper territorial characteristics.

08 Implementing the standardization construction of the government service center "10, 20, 30"

The proportion of the comprehensive window of the government service hall at all levels reached 100%, and the "One Netcom Office" unified appointment was fully covered. Give full play to the leadership of party building, implement the appointment on time, and the usual waiting time for comprehensive window appointments is not more than 10 minutes, and complex matters do not exceed 30 minutes. The time of offline window declaration (identity verification+submission material) usually does not exceed 20 minutes.

09 Strengthen the service system and capacity building

The first response of the "Online Artificial Help Office" did not exceed 1 minute, and the resolution rate reached 90%. Implement the work mechanism of the "Leading Cadre Gang Course+Staff Gang" to actively discover problems and solve problems. For key areas such as market access and construction projects, we will carry out the ability to help the agency.

10 Improve the "Good Evaluation" system of government services and explore the government service experience official model

Promote the evaluation, feedback, rectification, and supervision of closed -loop management of government services, and facilitate the voluntary evaluation of the masses. Broaden government service supervision channels, implement the government service experience official system, and use experiential supervision to propose pain points and blocking problems to improve the level of government service services.

At the promotion meeting, district administrative service centers, district market supervision bureaus and district construction management committees respectively conducted offline windows, online platform characteristics services, market entities registered facilitation, optimized market access services, and optimized services for project construction project approval procedures for optimization services to conduct Promotion. At the meeting, the first prize and advanced collective award for the "One Netcom Office" special merit competition in Baoshan District in Baoshan District in 2021, and hired a number of government service experience officers to further promote the service of the "One Netcom Office". Baoshan Science and Technology is more speed!

Source: Shanghai Baoshan official WeChat

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