What are the adjustments of the newly revised Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law?

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.09.03

The thirty -sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress voted on September 2nd and approved the newly revised Agricultural Quality and Safety Law. After the meeting, Yue Zhongming, the director of the Economic Law Office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, explained the main contents of the aspects of the Quality and Safety Law of Agricultural Products.

The current Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law was formulated in 2006, and it was amended to individual terms in 2018. In 2018, when the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress conducted an enforcement inspection of the Quality and Safety Law of Agricultural Products, it was recommended to quickly revise the Agricultural Quality and Safety Law. Representatives of the National People's Congress proposed a proposal to amend the Agricultural Quality and Safety Law. The amendments to the quality and safety of agricultural products are included in the legislative planning of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress and the 2021 legislative work plan. In October 2021, the 31st meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the first time of the National People's Congress for the first time reviewed the draft amendments to the Quality and Safety Law of Agricultural Products. In June 2022, the 35th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress conducted a second review of the draft revision. On September 2, 2022, the 36th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress voted for the full vote to pass the revised agricultural quality and safety law. The main content of the modification includes:

First, compact agricultural product quality and safety responsibility. Incorporate farmers into the scope of supervision, clarify agricultural production enterprises, farmers' professional cooperatives, and farmers should be responsible for the quality and safety of their production and operation agricultural products. Local governments shall be responsible for the quality and safety of agricultural products in their administrative areas; The obligations such as market, agricultural product sales enterprises, food producers, etc., and qualification certification inspection; for the new formats and new forms of agricultural product sales, the production and operators of agricultural products selling agricultural products and engaging in the production and operation of the cold chain logistics of agricultural products are stipulated. The quality and safety responsibility of the person.

2. Strengthen the management and standard formulation of agricultural quality and safety risk. Clarify the basic principles of source governance, risk management, and full -range control, establish a system of monitoring and evaluation of agricultural quality and safety risk, and strengthen risk management of key areas and key agricultural products. At the same time, the emphasis on the quality and safety standards of agricultural products is the standard for enforcement, further clarify the content of the quality and safety standards of agricultural products, and ensure strict implementation.

3. Improve the control measures for the entire process of agricultural product production and operation. Adhere to the source governance, improve the environmental survey, monitoring and evaluation system of agricultural product origin, make clear requirements for fertilizer, drug control, and additives, scientifically and reasonable use of agricultural input products, strengthen the internal quality control of agricultural product producers; clarify the supervision of the storage and transportation links It is required to prevent secondary pollution to agricultural products; establish a system for the qualifying system and traceability management system for agricultural products to meet the standards, strengthen the awareness of quality and safety of agricultural products, and realize production records, tracking of product flow, and clear responsibilities.

4. Strengthen the supervision and management of the quality and safety of agricultural products. Clarify the supervision responsibilities of agricultural rural areas, market supervision and management departments, improve the random random inspection mechanism, and clarify that the collection of samples should be paid according to the market price. At the same time, it is emphasized that agricultural and rural and market supervision and management departments should strengthen coordination and cooperation and law enforcement connection, establish a mechanism for supervision and management to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products from production to consumption. Local governments with poor quality and safety of agricultural products and prominent problems can be interviewed with responsibilities of their main responsible persons.

Fifth, increase the punishment of illegal acts. The connection with the Food Safety Law has improved the punishment of illegal acts, and the provisions of the punishment are made. In addition, considering my country's national and agricultural conditions, the lighter penalties for farmers have played a deterrent role, and they also take into account the current status of farmers' development and guide farmers to regulate production and operation activities.

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