After the victory of the Anti -Japanese War, the media released a worrying report ...

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.09.03

September 3 is the 77th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's Anti -Japanese War and the World Anti -Fascist War. On September 2, 1945, the Allied forces were on the Japanese warships on the "Missouri". After that, the Japanese troops in each surrender area signed and surrendered to the Allies. In the Chinese theater, the surrender signing ceremony of Japan was placed on September 9, 1945, in the auditorium of the Nanjing China Army Command, which is the original Central Army Officer School Auditorium. From September 3rd to September 9th, domestic newspapers and magazines looked back at the past and took stock of the anti -Japanese war; based on the moment, they called for arrests as soon as possible; look forward to the future and make forward -looking observation reports.

On September 3, 1945, Xinhua Daily published the inscription of Mao Zedong.

Looking at the old newspapers from September 3rd to September 10th, Japan surrender and victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan is a high -frequency vocabulary. Even in advertisements, they can be seen, such as "the destruction of the Japanese empire" and "the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan. Putian Tongqing bought one get one get one free "and so on, a group of joyful scenes of Putian.

On the 2nd edition of the Xinhua Daily on September 3, the title on the right was very eye -catching. Mao Zedong's inscription "Long live the liberation of the Chinese nation in the victory of the Anti -Japanese War". On the upper left side of the inscription, there is a news that "Chairman Jiang set up a banquet on the victory day welcomes Comrade Mao Zedong and Comrade Zhou Enlai and Mr. Wang Xueboat to continue the discussion." On August 29, 5 days ago, the CCP delegation headed by Mao Zedong flew to Chongqing to negotiate with the Kuomintang on the future and fate of China. On September 3, Chiang Kai -shek invited Mao Zedong to a banquet to celebrate the victory of the War of Resistance.

On the same day, the accompanying capital Chongqing held a variety of celebrations. The 3rd edition of the left lower left published the news of "Peace Starting Putian Tong Celebrating Today's Victory Parade", which wrote: "Now the meeting has been set up at 9 am on the third day to celebrate the victory meeting ... 8 pm at 8 pm The open -air concert is still held at the Square Plaza ... "The news also mentioned that the open -air movie and the show at the designated location of the night.

While celebrating the victory, the media was also taking stock of the war. In the "Speed ​​News · Military Weekly", there are two inventory articles in a timely manner: "Records of the Allied Forces of the Japanese Army" and "Lleing the Japanese Army". During the "World War II", the coalition generals and their merits, the latter disclosed the crimes of the Japanese army.

"Xinhua Daily" focuses on the future. While publishing the news of Japan's surrender, the issue of severe punishment of traitors was also put on the agenda. On September 4th, the news of "Chen Natsuki and other giant rapes have fled to Japan", and the Liberation Daily also published a editorial "The Traitor Thief must punish severely".

On September 10th, many newspapers also published a news of arrested traitors. Chu Minyi and Chen Yijun were arrested. Chu Minyi, the Kuomintang veteran, was the acting chairman of the Wang pseudo government. He once hid the liver of Sun Yat -sen as his own, and hid in a relative's house. After being caught, he provided it. Chiang Kai -shek explained that the Military Bureau retrieved Sun Yat -sen's liver. Needless to say, Chen Yijun is the wife of Wang Jingwei.

In the end, they were severely punished. Chen Gongbo was taken back to China. On April 12, 1946, he was sentenced to death by the Jiangsu High Court. On June 3, he was executed; Chu Minyi was executed in 1946; Chen Yijun was sentenced to life imprisonment, and he died of illness in Shanghai Basin Bridge Prison in 1959 Essence

"Jiefang Daily" also noticed the post -war order. On September 10th, a comprehensive comment was published on the 3rd edition of the newspaper, "Allies 'tolerance to Japanese rulers' post -war World Security". The report exceeded Major General Kana Kana in the news report of the Hezhong News Agency:

"In order to avoid the Pacific Future War, the beauty must prepare for the military pressure on Japan for many years. Japan has not implemented or planned any careful transformation. At present, the person who claims to implement the" new democracy "is In the same environment, there is no reason to believe that he will not commit the same sin again. Unless they have since sincerely returned to Japan to a democratic country, they have no reason to trust Japan. We must keep military pressure at any time and continue to use Japan. ","

You must know that this was reported in 1945. Now that you look back at 77 years, you must say that this comprehensive review is very forward -looking and international.

In the report on September 11, 1945, the Liberation Daily published another news: "Enemies Intelligent to Ke on Armed forces in China". This report mentioned the Japanese invaders in Taiyuan and other places.

The development of the situation later proved how to be correct and timely: in Shanxi, a group of Japanese invaders were included in the pocket by Yan Xishan and were collected as their own. It was not all eliminated until the liberation war.

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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