Korla City: Ecological water transmission allows inclusive eutra

Author:Korla Rong Media Center Time:2022.09.03

In recent years, the Incidentia Township of Korla City has continuously increased the protection of ecological restoration of the ecological restoration of the lower reaches of the peacock River. Every year in the fall, the Tarim River (referred to as the Taga) is full of advantages, and the pupplion forest is "saved" to the beeper in the jurisdiction to protect the Gobi Desert green lifeline.

Recently, with the slowly rising sluice of the sand of the Tagu River, the ecological water from the Tahe River trek for more than 120 kilometers, and it continued to flow into the lower reaches of the Peacock River in the inclusive township to "quench thirst" for the ecological ecological ecological ecological ecological ecological ecology.



It is reported that in response to this ecological water, the Including Township planned in advance, and actively coordinated the Korla Pohui Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., the Korla Sun Huohui Co., Ltd., the Korla Xinjingji Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. From the Qiong Ala section to the lower reaches of the peacock River, 32 kilometers, 6 excavators and 2 forklifts are dispatched, and more than 80 hours of continuous operations. Focus on cleaning up the stasis of the channels in the channel, open and close the gate facilities for maintenance, and reinforce and dredging in key areas. , Ensure smooth water flow.



After the beginning of the irrigation, there were more than 50 people, including the forest careers and volunteers of the Popular Township Popular Township Populus Populus Forest Management Station. Do a good job of comprehensive management measures during the period during the diversion of ecological forests, so that the thirsty ecological forest has been moist.



"There are more than 250,000 acres of natural porridge forests, 1.325 million acres of grassland, and about 130 kilometers through the inclusive township. Wild plant irrigation provides guarantees, and at the same time can effectively ensure the storage of inclusive reservoirs and supplement the groundwater level. Ecological water pastroilities have gradually recovered and consolidated in the ecological environment of the middle and lower reaches of the peacock. Big improvement, the area of ​​natural vegetation and ecological benefits continues to expand. In the future, Including Township will further increase the protection of euphratica forests, strictly implement the long river system and forest system, and continue to promote the restoration of the ecological environment of the lower reaches of the peacock river. " The deputy secretary of the township party committee, the township chief Zuli Pakael shopping Tita said. (Reporter Liu Huan Zhao Correspondent Hu Wanqing)

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