Faster and faster!We do this, Shenzhen must do it!

Author:Longgang Rong Media Time:2022.09.03

At present, the epidemic prevention and control is a critical period

Some areas in Shenzhen use 48 hours on weekends

Two -wheel nucleic acid detection

Use the shortest time to "surround, fish dry, extinguish" the epidemic situation

To faster

Each of our Shenzhen

It should be patient, meditation, and confidence

Building the epidemic prevention wall together

Joint effort to win the hard battle of this epidemic prevention and control

trust yourself

Believe in Shenzhen

We must do it!

Copyright statement: Original Longgang Rong Media, please indicate the source for reprinting.

Production of Longgang Rong Media

Produced: Luo Fangshi

Planning: Dong Baohong

Coordinating: 峰 荻 统 鲁 鲁 Lu Zhenlong

Guidance: Li Tingting Yan Jianming

Execution: Chen Yao

Drawing: Zhu Haibo Zhu Xia Ling

Responsible editor: Chen Yao He Su

School pair: Wang Rong

- END -

The Yuncheng Market Supervision Bureau supervises the security work in the field of market supervision in Lixian County

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During the test of nucleic acid in Linyi County!Everyone strives to protect the beautiful home

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220716/1657946221512063.mp4 transcoding = 1 style = width: 400px; During the test of nucleic ac