The Party Branch of the Ordos Municipal Party Committee Network Council has carried out the theme party day event to help the theme of the 4th Agricultural Products Exhibition

Author:Inner Mongolia New Media Assoc Time:2022.09.03

On September 2nd, the Fourth Agricultural Products Exhibition of Ordos opened at the National Fitness Center of the East Sheng District. The Party Branch of the Municipal Party Committee's Network Information Office actively organizes party members and cadres to participate, and helps agricultural product exhibitions with actual actions.

The rain is constantly. The comrades flowed over the stagnant water, the three reforms, and the door to the exhibition conference. Entering the exhibition hall, the atmospheric and exquisite design furnishings make people shine. Based on the nine flag -area booths in the past 9 flag -area booths, the exhibition has added 6 booths of cultural and creative, cashmere, collecting, Dongliang, Duoduo, and all -round service rural revitalization work system. At the same time There are more than 500 kinds of high -quality agricultural products for everyone to buy, more than 120 specialty foods for each flag area for everyone to taste, more than 40 wonderful literary performances for everyone to appreciate, comprehensively showing the fruitful results of the development of agricultural and rural areas in recent years, and it also reflects the reflection In the new era, farmers and herdsmen have a good mental state.

This exhibition invited more than 20 first secretary of the village and local online celebrities for live broadcasts. Through anchors, consumers and consumer experience interaction with consumers through various forms and other forms of pre -sale, continuously expanded agricultural product sales channels, and put Ordos of Ordos Municipal high -quality agricultural products were sold throughout the country through online channels.

The people in the exhibition area are crowded. Seeing watermelon, pumpkin, native eggs, beef and mutton, honey, sesame cakes, twist, various rice noodles, etc., party members and cadres can not restrain the enthusiasm of buying at once, eat, shopping, buy, and also for their family members. Bring back the "gift" of large bags. Not only to buy a rest assured local agricultural product, but also actively responded to the city's call for "consumption to help farmers", and also enhanced the level of understanding of the historical and practicality of the implementation of rural revitalization strategies, and enhanced the sense of responsibility of performing their duties. Comrades all all. I feel that participating in the agricultural product exhibition is very meaningful.

On one side, the bright red party flag fluttered, and the Gacha villages were full of appearance. The characteristic industries were booming. Behind it contained the fists of the punch of the cadres in the village in the village, the heart of the masses, the heart of the masses. Ordos is struggling to write the colorful answers of rural revitalization. With the prosperity of the industry, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance, and wealthy rural development, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is held. The Municipal Party Committee's Internet Information Office will continue to implement the strategic decision -making and deployment of rural revitalization strategy, give play to the role of the Internet in helping poverty alleviation, reduce urban and rural digital gaps, allow more difficult people to use the Internet, let agricultural products walk out of the countryside through the Internet, promote rural digital digits The rapid economic development shows the power of the Internet letter and contribute to the power of the Internet in the comprehensive help of the countryside.

Source: Eldos Municipal Party Committee Network Information Office

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