The five -year -old "female driver" on the streets of Jinan!The body belt drives four kilometers to find her mother alone

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.09.04

At 17:00 on August 26, a little girl wearing a green dress around five years old was tied to a seat belt and calmly drove a white convertible four -wheel toy car on the streets of the late peak of Honglou Square. Yao Jipeng, a traffic policeman who was on duty in the square, immediately led the little girl to the roadside safe area, and served the little girl to report to the command center while soothed the emotions. Ren Qinbao, the deputy squadron leader of the Second Squadron of the Jinan Traffic Police Castle Castle, then rushed to the intersection after receiving the instructions, and patiently communicated with the little girl patiently. On the phone, he drove a toy car alone to find the parents who set up a stall in the Impression City.

"Where are you going to kindergarten? What is the name of your father and mother?" Facing the inquiries, the little girl was at a loss and overwhelmed to make the traffic police on duty more anxious. I learned through system inquiry that the little girl did not apply for an ID card, so she could not contact her parents through face recognition.

"Don't worry, my uncle immediately takes you to find a mother," So, on the streets of the evening, a traffic policeman leaned over and led the little girl to embark on the road to find relatives. While holding the hand of the little girl while holding on the duty police, he carefully helped him recall the position of his parents' stalls. Although the calm little girl did not know the name of her parents, she was familiar with the address of their parents. The city, elevator, and green lights finally found the mother of the little girl. Later, the police carried out safety education for his mother and children, and praised the safety awareness of the child's safety belt in the safety belt, but at the same time informed the danger of the toy car on the road and the seriousness of the consequences.

Licheng Traffic Police reminds the majority of their families: toy cars such as electric cars, scooters such as children's toys, and so on. When using a toy car, children must have parents to accompany them throughout the process. They cannot let their children leave their sights and avoid some safety accidents.

Source: Ai Jinan News Client

Edit: Liu Yuhong

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