Dating on duty, keeping the public security, supporting the front line ... The spoil epidemic of Sichuan traffic people

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.04

Cover Journalist Gou Chun

On September 2nd, in response to the call of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation issued the "Notice on Organizing Party Members and Cadres to Sinking the Foundation of the Getting Foundation to Participate in the Prevention and Control of the Epidemium" as soon as possible, requiring party organizations and and. The majority of party members and cadres have given full play to the role of party organizations at all levels of the provincial government and the role of party members' vanguard.

Provincial Transportation Hospital sent 311 people to support the front line

On September 4, the Provincial Department of Transportation issued the "Urgent Notice on Adhering to the Party Construction Leading Organization and Mobilization of the Provincial Transportation Industry Power Actively Participating in the Prevention and Control of the Express", requiring to further organize and mobilize the power of the transportation industry to do a good job of publicity prevention and control policies. Key materials for key supplies, truck drivers and demands to resolve epidemic prevention and control work.

Party members and cadres of the department and the department of the department and the department of the department quickly act, implement the relevant requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the Party Group of the Department, and actively participate in the first line of the epidemic prevention and control on duty, road preservation, material guarantee and community volunteer services to play a good role in transportation. Contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Epidemic prevention and control duty on duty


The Provincial Department of Transportation has set up more than 20 comrades to set up a special work class, and takes a 24 -hour duty on duty to coordinate the prevention and control of transportation epidemic, logistics insurance, and emergency transportation protection. At the same time, at the Sichuan Provincial Transportation operation dispatch center, 10 types of positions including comprehensive, highways, ordinary highways, road transportation, navigation maritime affairs, etc., through real -time monitoring, timely summarize the traffic of highway water transportation throughout the province to ensure the ensuring The province's logistics transportation is smooth.

The Provincial Transportation Law Enforcement Corps fully guarantee the safe passage of supporting Chengdu nucleic acid sampling detection teams. The traffic law enforcement team members maintain the order of the site, and the escort team enters the station in an orderly manner to ensure that the emergency channels for the prevention and control of the epidemic are unimpeded.

In order to ensure the transportation of civil biological capital, the five detachments of the high -speed law enforcement urged the East Mengyang toll station to open 3 civil biological materials to ensure lanes, a total of 4 lanes, and each lane is equipped with quarantine personnel to check the goods to ensure the completion of the completion of the Sichuan is fast after inspection. Play, enter the Mengyang International Agricultural Products Trading Center to ensure the supply of "vegetable baskets" in Chengdu.

Traffic law enforcement team members maintain the order on the spot


It is understood that since September 1st, the Provincial Transportation Hospital has sent a total of 311 people to support nearly 20 communities in 6 districts in 3 districts in Wuhou, Jinjiang, and Du Dudu for nucleic acid collection. The Municipal Clinical Examination Center and the Clinical Public Health Center can be returned to the hospital after the task is completed normally.

The department's home office party members and cadres and employees actively sign up to participate in the community and community epidemic prevention and control volunteer service. As of September 3, 292 party members and cadres and employees have participated in the community epidemic prevention and control volunteer service, which is mainly responsible for community nucleic acid testing, order maintenance, and material distribution.

Guarantee Chengdu's "vegetable basket" supply

The Party Committee of Sichuan Highway Engineering Consulting and Supervision Co., Ltd. organized the volunteer service team to go to the community to assist in the epidemic prevention work, and actively purchased a number of epidemic prevention and needed materials to support communities. At present, under the call of the company's party committee, party members, preparatory party members, activists in the party, and youth league leader have taken the lead in signing up, and 15 volunteers have been recruited. From August 30, they went to the community to assist in the community for nucleic acid testing in 6 days.

On September 3rd, the company's party committee donated more than 6,000 yuan tents, soundplay speakers, instant noodles and other epidemic prevention materials to the Shi Niuyan community. Under the strong call of the company's party committee, the company's current 10 party members and employees follow the principles of nearby and actively sign up for voluntary services to participate in their communities, Red Cross, "Civilized Xingrong" platform, Chengdu epidemic prevention and control youth reserve team, etc. Activity.

Volunteer Service Team, Sichuan Highway Engineering Consultation Supervision Co., Ltd.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of young volunteers from the province's transportation system to the community is currently exceeding 1,200. The department and the department's direct system participated in the epidemic prevention and control duty, the road preservation, and the number of cadres of the material insurance and transportation reached 1,188. "Fighting the epidemic, Sichuan traffic people are always online."

(Photo Conferry at the Department of Transportation of Sichuan Province)

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