For online rumors, the Central Cyberspace Office will take action!

Author:Ningxia Satellite TV Time:2022.09.04

There are a lot of information on the Internet space, and sometimes some online rumors that say "nose and eyes" are difficult to distinguish, so that many people are overwhelmed. After a lot of spread, these online rumors can easily cause adverse social impacts.

A special operation has been launched for endless online rumors. not

On the 2nd, according to China Internet Information Network, in order to deeply clean up online rumors and false information and create a righteous network environment, according to the overall arrangement of the special action of the "clear" series of "clear" in 2022, the Central Network Information Office decided to start in the country from now on. The three -month -old special operation of "clear · combat online rumors and false information" was launched.


Three goals

There are three work goals in this special operation:

① Comprehensively clean up online rumors and false information, and focus on solving the problem of repeated spread of old rumors and endless new rumors.

② Improve the standardization of monitoring, discovery, rumors, and handling the entire process.

③ Increase the punishment of rumors and rumors.


Four tasks

There are four tasks of special operations. Among them, in terms of increasing the accountability of traceability, the special action is clear:

Supervise the website platform to strengthen the construction of technical means and improve the ability of traceability. not

The main body of the account of the first rumor, the spread of rumors multiple times, and the use of rumors to make malicious marketing speculation, which is included in the blacklist management. The plot is particularly serious. The new account is prohibited from the entire network;

Regularly centralize the punishment of the exposure of the exposure, announce the typical cases of illegal and violations, and form a strong deterrent.

The other three work tasks are:

Adhere to the classification research and judgment disposal


Rumors and false information such as heavy meetings, important activities, important policies, insulting heroes martyrs, blasphemy deepening the spirit of heroes and martyrs must be strictly cleaned up and resolved.

For public emergencies such as production safety, transportation, and natural disasters, especially rumors and false information such as rumors, rumors, and police conditions in danger, rumors, and police conditions, we must actively urge relevant departments to strengthen positive responses, clarify the facts, and respond to concerns. not

Rumors and false information in the fields of society, economy, and people's livelihoods must be strengthened, communicating with relevant departments, promoting timely sounds to make rumors, prevent diffusion and spread, and mislead the people.

Improve and perfect rumor mechanism


Tag on rumors and false information.


Study the recommended rules for the comprehensive algorithm, and accurately push related rumor information for users who have exposed to rumors and false information to enhance the effect of rumoring.


Compact the main body responsibility of the platform

Key website platforms should set up online rumors and false information to report the entrance, refine the classification standards, launch actively reporting of the majority of netizens, and widely provide evidence clues.



In August, these rumors are not credible







Source: China Net Information Network, China News Network

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