Nuclear acid test in the key area of Yibin, Sichuan: A total of more than 810,000 people have been sampled, and the results have been negative

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.04

Press conference site.

Cover reporter Wu Xuemei

On the evening of September 4, a press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control of Yibin City, Sichuan Province was held in Yibin. According to He Jingbo, deputy director of the Yibin City Health and Health Committee, since August 25, Yibin City has reported a total of 18 confirmed cases and 3 asymptomatic infections. All 21 cases were in isolation treatment at the designated treatment hospital in the city. Among them, 4 cases of confirmed cases were newly added on September 3: 1 case in Xuzhou District, 1 case in Lianlian County, and 2 cases to confirmed cases (in Lianlian County) from previous asymptomatic infections. 1 case of infected person (in Xuzhou District).

At the press conference, He Jingbo focused on the confirmed cases of society, that is, two cases of returning from the city and the corresponding epidemic disposal of two cases from the city. The default cases in the Xuzhou District are basically the same as that of an asymptomatic infection. On September 3, the test results of the three nucleic acid tests were positive, and immediately closed the loop to isolation treatment to the designated medical institution in the city. At present, the condition is stable.

The trajectory of case activities released by the Yibin City Health and Health Committee on September 4.

According to reports, after the epidemic, the Yibin Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attached great importance to it, and all levels and departments immediately acted to promote the treatment of epidemic disposal of cases of case treatment, risk personnel inspection, transfer isolation, and full -member nucleic acid testing. Among them, in accordance with the relevant requirements, the situation of Yibin's urban space layout and traceability of the urban space, Yibin launched the regional nucleic acid test in time, and has launched a full -member nucleic acid test in key areas such as Suzhou District, Cuiping District, and Sanjiang New District. So far, as of now,, as of now, A total of more than 810,000 people have been sampled, and the results of nucleic acid testing have been negative.

In addition, according to the traceability of the flow, Yibin has implemented relevant regulations on the relevant areas involved in cases. Among them, the building's building where the case is located 7 days was implemented. The residents did not leave home or delivered the goods to the door to the door of the home. The nucleic acid sampling was completed on the 3rd. The other buildings were implemented for 3 days, and the personnel could not be available. The peaks were obtained. The nucleic acid testing was conducted three days and three inspections. The first round of nucleic acid testing was completed in the early morning of the 4th. The results were negative. Carry out sampling testing of the farmers' markets, banks, work units and other places with the trajectory of the case and the environment. feminine. The suspension of the emergency department of the Second Hospital of Yibin City, quickly carried out the review and evaluation of the hospital area, performed 5 days 5 days 5 inspection of full -member nucleic acid testing and temporary silence. It has completed the first round of the first round of the entire hospital nucleic acid in the first round of the hospital. feminine.

According to He Jingbo, in the next step, Yibin City will go all out to do a good job of treatment, comprehensively sort out risk loopholes, and focus on new cases. At the same time, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, it will continue to strengthen the control areas, case activities, and overall social control.

Public announcement of Yibin nucleic acid testing agency.

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