Suining Shiphan: Three generations of generations from teaching continuously on educational lights

Author:Chuanshan Rong Media Time:2022.09.04

If the national movement is promising, it will be reluctant to re -teach. In recent years, Pianshan has always spared no effort to build the teacher team construction as the source of education, the foundation of education, and the foundation of a strong school. Excellent teachers with good effects. On the occasion of the 38th Teacher's Day, we will launch a series of excellent teachers. Today, I will launch "One Family Three Generations of Teaching Light Education".

A family of three generations from teaching continues to highlight the lighting light

"My three generations of love for three -foot podium, engaged in many disciplines including Chinese, junior high schools, and high schools in primary schools, junior high schools, and high schools ..." Whenever I talk about the inheritance story of my family's "teacher", the Chinese teacher in Suining Six Middle School Tan Yinchun is quite proud.

Tan Yinchun's father has been teaching in rural schools. For more than 40 years, he has worked from ordinary teachers to principals and dedicated his life to his life to education. In the cold and summer vacation time, he often writes couplets, write applications, and counsels neighbor's children in the villagers in the villagers ... If you have a request, people will have a thumbs up for him. In Tan Yinchun's young heart, a full seed of a teacher like a father when he grew up deeply.

"Although teachers are poor, they have merit in the future. I hope my descendants can also choose the sacred and glorious profession of teacher." Father told him before his death, Tan Yinchun silently remembered his heart. In 1996, Tan Yinchun graduated from the university and took over his father's relay stick and continued to light up the light of education. Just this year, Tan Yinchun's university classmate and his girlfriend at the time also taught him in the same school. At the end of 1996, Tan Yinchun rented a house and married his girlfriend. Since then, the couple "fly together together" and work tirelessly and diligently in their ordinary posts, and they are willing to be an educational persistence, practitioner, and inheritor.

"Yan Shiyou" is a magic weapon for Tan Yinchun's daily teaching work. In class management, he pays attention to cultivating a harmonious and harmonious teacher -student relationship, creating a relaxed and happy learning atmosphere, and infiltrating the emotional experience of love and respect; in teaching practice, he explores the infinite interest of Chinese with students, pays attention to the differences in individual students. Pay attention to the cultivation of basic skills, so that students will not only learn "Chinese", but also be dexterous to use "Chinese". Over the years, every class brought by Tan Yinchun, the class is pure, the students are united and harmonious, and the class is well.

After Tan Yinchun's house, after the tea, the family always exchanged their own insights from time to time to teach, and they were not upset to the country's "establishment of people". The firm belief of the education newspaper not only subtly inherited in the daily teaching of Tan Yinchun's couple, but also inherited in his family. In 2019, after graduating from Tan Yinchun's daughter, he also became a rural teacher. Knowledge changes the fate of more rural children. Since then, a family of old and small podiums have been pushing a three -foot podium with enthusiasm and devoted to giving without complaints. They penetrate the concept of educating people into all aspects, firmly do students' good teachers and friends, fully stimulate their learning interest, and promote the comprehensive development of students.

Don't forget your original intention, take it as a fan. Unconsciously, Tan Yinchun has gone through 26 spring and autumn at the educational front. From a fledgling and a little childish internship, to a backbone of teaching with advanced ideas and rich experience. The hard work and responsibility of the day after day, in exchange for the fruit of the harvest. He has won the honors such as "National Outstanding Education Workers", "National Elementary and Middle School Student Innovation Composition Contest", "Excellent Teachers of the Admissions Unified Examination for Admissions in the Provincial College of General College", the city's "Excellent Class Teacher" and "Excellent Teachers" and other honors. Awarded in the five basic functional power contests of Chinese speaking competitions and Chinese teachers.

A family of three generations, a three -foot podium is the national movement; a piece of heart, a lifetime, a whole life to cast the soul of the people. This is the true portrayal of Tan Yinchun's educational family. This family seems ordinary, but noble and extraordinary. Tribute to them!

Pianshan Rong Media reporter Bu Kai Kuangzhi/Picture

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