"One Industry and One Certificate" enters the community to build a three -level linkage system for the "one industry and one certificate" of the county and the countryside

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.09.05

In order to continue to deepen the reform of the "one industry and one certificate", achieve the goal of "multi -point can be done, can be done nearby, and runs less quickly", it is convenient for enterprises to do business and entrepreneurship, and reduce the threshold for enterprise entry. The Office of the County People's Government's notice on the issuance of the "one industry, one certificate" reform and promotion of the pilot work of the village (community) pilot work "(鄄 Zhengqi Zi [2022] No. 12) documents, and promote the reform of the" one industry and one certificate "reform. Village (community) extension.

In accordance with the basic requirements of "Six have one energy" (with places, personnel, systems, networks, equipment, funds, and ability to do), the administrative examination and approval service bureaus of the Tancheng County will be installed in a timely manner for the pilot village (community) convenience service station. Debug the "one industry, one certificate" approval system, help apply for an approval management system account number and password, do a good job of information technology guarantee, and implement the village (community) "one industry, one certificate" online application, online acceptance, and not meeting approval. In order to ensure that the reform of the "one industry, one certificate" is rooted at the grassroots level, the administrative examination and approval service bureau of the Tancheng County has strengthened the business guidance of the approval of the village (community) "one industry, one certificate" reform, and selected business guidance and training for business. The results of the reform of the "one industry, one certificate" can be connected in the village (community) and do it well.

At the same time, focusing on the needs of the masses of the enterprise, the matters that are closely related to the production and life of the enterprise are extended to the implementation of the convenience service stations of the village (community) to truly realize the business of the house. Tancheng County has selected a good job in the Liuhe community convenience service point of the old town and the Chongxing Community Convenience Service Site of Guquan Street Office as a pilot to sum up experience and practices to form a mature experience that can be replicated and promoted. , Comprehensively build a three -level linkage system for the reform of the county and rural "one industry, one certificate" reform.

Heze Newspaper All Media Reporter Niu Wenjie

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