尉犁:一墙一画皆风景 一字一句传文明

Author:Weili County Rong Media Center Time:2022.09.05

Recently, in Gullebag Village, Gullebag Township, a 100 -meter -long hand -painted "Cultural Wall" has added a beautiful landscape to Gullebag Village, attracting many villagers to watch and take pictures.

"See, 'Life rich governance is effective', this is the" rural rejuvenation 'cultural wall;' wisdom, faith, warm, good, respectful, frugal, letting ', this is the "traditional' cultural wall ..." The party secretary of the party branch, Bula Ai Zezi, introduced that this was obliged to paint the village by volunteers from Gulbag Township. These net red walls are based on the theme of "Speaking Civilization · Tree New Wind", covering the principles of rural revitalization. They all say the corresponding image propaganda, presenting traditional culture and modern development concepts in classrooms walking.

Hand -painted civilized walls to help civilized villages. This is a microcosm of the construction of "spiritual civilization" and the "cultural moisturizing" project with the cultural wall of Gullebag Township. In recent years, Gulebag Township has adhered to the design concept of "one wall and one culture". It has been connected to the main section, schools and other prominent locations and the wall available on the walls available. , Promote the village rules and people's treaties with easy -to -understand graphics. The propaganda paintings and slogans reflecting the spiritual and cultural life are displayed on the wall, and the walls are made into the cultural inheritance wall, virtue education wall, and environmental beautification wall of "talking", creating a cultural atmosphere of positive, harmonious and civilized.

"I will come out every day. These hand -painted cultural walls not only become a beautiful scenery in our village, but also inherit the traditional culture to the society in a subtle form." Said Li Muzi, a villager living in Gullebag Village. This is really the best artistic art of the masses of all ethnic groups, and the spring wind and rain and moisturizing silently buried the seeds of culture into everyone's hearts.

Liang Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Gullebag Township, said: "A good environment can infect people and influence people. Through the cultural wall of graphic and text, the original boring and monotonous walls are vivid, so as to carry forward and inherit traditional culture, inspire all ethnic groups to go upward Xiangshan, help the development of the moral quality and civilization habits of the masses, and further promote the core values ​​of socialism. "

Source: Cao Jifei, Gullebag Township

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