Sichuan Luding County Earthquake Online Traveling Platform Starts Free Creation Service

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.09.05

Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client September 5th (Reporter Liu Tao) At 12:52 today, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan. In response to this situation, online travel platforms have launched the etiquette disaster guarantee system to be tourists for tourists. Provide free withdrawal services.

Where to go to the platform announced that before September 5th (excluding September 5), ordering on the platform was booked on the platform, and orders from September 5th to September 11th, which complied with the hotel's non -resistance and reform policy, can Apply for free cancellation. Whenever September 5th, the homestay of the Luding and Kangding area on the Tujia Platform, and the staying order from September 5th to September 12th (excluding 12) from September 5th (excluding 12), you can apply for free cancellation.

Ctrip Travel has also launched cities in Luding and Kangding, and users can apply for free withdrawal on the Ctrip platform. In terms of aviation and ground transportation, due to disasters, flights, trains, and cars are suspended, Ctrip will handle the latest policies for the latest policies such as airlines, railway bureaus, transportation departments and other relevant units to apply for refunds and transfers.

Tongcheng Travel announced that before September 5, users at the local hotels of Ganzi Prefecture from September 5th to 12th, if they were unable to travel due to earthquakes, unpopular orders could be canceled for free. In terms of transportation, it will provide users with necessary help in accordance with the latest policies.

Editor -in -chief: Wang Yaobing

Source: Hunan Daily · New Hunan Client

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