Wuhan Public Security helps build a new model of Ping An, and the police enter the streets and community party organizations

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.05

The director of the police station, as a member of the Party Working Committee of the Street, participated in the research and decision -making of major issues of the street; the community police led, sinking party members, security guards, and volunteer patrol members jointly conducted patrol ... In order to comprehensively strengthen the work of the new era police station, the Wuhan Public Security Bureau insists on insisting on The party building leads to deepen grassroots governance, actively strives for the support of streets and community grass -roots party organizations, and comprehensively implements the director of the police station to enter the street (township) party (work) party committee and community police into the community (village) party branch. A new model of peaceful construction, co -construction, co -governance, and sharing to enhance the sense of security and happiness of citizens.

Incorporate: Create a new pattern of grassroots governance

Entering the Bailu Pavilion Community Party Members and Mass Service Center, a four -level organizational structure of the community party committee is very eye -catching. Chen Duanmin, secretary of the party branch and director of the Bobu Pavilion Police Station, served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Baibu Pavilion Community, and nine community police.

The community police in the Bobu Pavilion Police Station mediate disputes in the community.

"The community has a large clue and cumbersome content. Only by the party building, can we mobilize a variety of social forces to solve it efficiently." Chen Duanmin said. Not long ago, the community police discovered in the visit of Jiongyuan that there were flying line charging in the building, and the safety hazards were great. The problem is reflected in the general party branch of the community. Soon, representatives of the neighborhood committee, property, and owners jointly discussed the solution, and the police provided policy consulting services on the spot. Today, the new charging pile in front of the residential building allows the neighborhoods to invest or swipe cards to easily charge the car.

In order to promote the regularization of the police station, the Wuhan Public Security Bureau vigorously promoted the director of the police station "entering the team" and a member of the community police part -time branch to achieve community police and grass -roots party building work together and promoted. As of now, 154 police stations in the city have entered the street (township) party (township) party (work) party committee, 1441 community police as part -time members of the community party organization, and 1,265 administrative villagers' police part -time members of the village party organization.

Combined: Build a new model of Ping An Construction

"I am the police and the deputy director of the street office. What is the matter? You said openly ..." Recently, the three -level senior sheriff of the Public Security Branch of the East New District Public Security Bureau, Liu Ling Street Office Deputy Director Liu Guangping, with the staff of the neighborhood committee and the people of the people, successfully resolved a contradiction caused by the fight for the basketball court.

"The community needs to be available, the grids must be conflicts, residents must help in difficulties, and unstable factors must be reported." In recent years, Wuhan Public Security Bureau has adhered to the development of "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era. Efforts are made to build a regulatory grid consisting of community police and neighborhood committees, industry committee, property management office, and "two long four members". It can be resolved without going out of the building before.

In recent years, relying on the "1+N" police model, the Wuhan Public Security Bureau has continuously made the "small closed loop" of the integration of "diligence" in public security, and the "large closed loop" of the party and government coordinating. The large -scale security work pattern, extensively condenses the powerful joint force created by Ping An. With the efforts of all parties, this year Wuhan's criminal effective police situation has achieved 8 consecutive years.

Leaning forward: Talking about a strong police officer, folk fish water love

Located on the old Hongji dormitory on Ziyang East Road, Wuchang District, most of the old bungalows, the fire hazards are prominent. With the support of the community party organization, the community police Xie Wensang has contacted the Provincial Passenger Group many times and hired a professional company to evaluate. From August this year, 132 smoke alarms in the dormitory were put into use, and community security for 24 hours patrol prevention and control to effectively prevent prevention and control. The fire occurred.

Xie Wengang, a police officer of the Hongji Community of the Public Security Branch of Wuchang District Public Security Branch, entered the household to check the newly installed smoke alarm.

With the support of the party committee and government, the city's public security organs integrate civil defense, technical defense, and physical defense resources, and strive to build a grass -roots social governance complex with leading party building and integration of police networks. This year, the city plans to promote the transformation of 350 old communities, and strive to reach 80%of the coverage of star -level safety units.

Combining the practical activities of "lower grassroots, inspecting the people, relieving the people's concerns, and warming the people's hearts", the Wuhan Public Security Bureau takes community police as a member of the grassroots party organization as a starting point to actively rely on the strength of grass -roots party organizations to solve the "most urgent and most urgent and most urgent and most urgent and most urgent and most popular masses. Hope, the most need, the most difficult ".

Combined with the "non -fraud community" creation activity, the Wuhan Public Security Bureau also widely mobilized the forces of communities, property, party members, and resident volunteers to increase the propaganda of preventing telecommunications fraud, continuously improving the masses' anti -fraud capabilities, and jointly building anti -electrical fraud. Copper wall and iron wall. This year, the city strives to create another 200 fraud -free communities (Village Bay).

(Text/Li Wenmao Chen Long)

【Edit: Zhang Wenhui】

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