Sad!The Luding earthquake has killed 21 people, and the aftershock may continue

Author:China Youth Network Time:2022.09.05

According to the latest news of CCTV News, as of now, the Sichuan Luding earthquake has killed 21 people and more than 30 people were injured. Some infrastructure such as water, electricity, transportation, and communications were damaged.

At 12:52 on September 5th, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province (29.6 degrees north latitude, 102.1 degrees east longitude), and the depth of the earthquake was 16 kilometers.

As of 18:00, due to the earthquake, some towns and villages were affected to varying degrees. Line 108 of the National Highway 108 and the Provincial Highway 217 Road Highway interrupted; the roads of Wanggang Ping Town, Caifeng Township, and Xinmin Township of Asana County were interrupted; , The substation was stopped.

After the earthquake, Ya'an established the "September 5" Luding earthquake earthquake resistance and disaster relief headquarters to upgrade the secondary emergency response level of the earthquake disaster to the level. At the same time, in accordance with the "Emergency Plan for Natural Disaster Rescue" in Ya'an, the emergency response to the first -level natural disaster rescue of Ya'an City was launched.

Rescue force is being hindered. Picture of Shu Dao Group Tibetan Gao Company

At the same time, Ya'an City dispatched more than 2100 people such as emergency rescue, armed police, fire protection, medical care, public security and other rescue forces rushed to the earthquake -stricken area to conduct personnel search and rescue, wounded treatment, road grabbing, and mass transfer and resettlement. The remaining rescue teams have gathered together Wait. More than 120 people in the fire rescue team in Meishan City and Liangshan Prefecture emerged from 120 vehicles.

At present, the injured person has been taken to the hospital for treatment, and is trying to search and rescue the trapped persons to ensure that one person is not leaked. Fully rescue the injured of the earthquake and minimize the casualties. At the same time, the crowd to avoid risk to ensure that the casualties caused by secondary disasters.

Audio shock may continue

The reporter learned from the China Earthquake Administration on the 5th that the China Earthquake Network Center organized experts to conduct research and analysis of the earthquake activities near Luding County, and believed that the magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred near the Xianshui River Fracture Belt. Type rupture. Earthquake experts Based on historical earthquakes, seismic sequence attenuation characteristics, and preliminary judgment of the comprehensive discussions of the earthquake omen, the possibility of larger earthquakes in the original earthquake zone of the Sichuan Luding 6.8 earthquake in the short term, and the aftershocks of the aftershocks will continue for a period of time.

The rescue forces such as Ganzi Prefecture Public Security Traffic Police are evacuating vehicles in the road of damage to the earthquake. Picture of Ganzi Prefecture Public Security Bureau

40,000 households are affected by electricity

As of 16:00 on the 5th, a total of 1 500 kV lines of Sichuan Power Grid has been damaged (successful), and 3 main transformers of 500 kV asbestos have been damaged. , 1 successful coincidence), 5 110 kV lines, gates (1 has been successfully closed), 5 110 kV transformation power stations were suspended, 4 35 kV transformation power stations were suspended, 2 35 kV lines, 46, 46, 46, 46, 46, 46 The 10 kV lines broke out, and about 40,000 users were affected by electricity.

The Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance urgently specialize in Ganzi Prefecture's earthquake relief funds of 50 million yuan

According to the Sichuan Finance WeChat public account, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance immediately launched a fiscal emergency guarantee mechanism in accordance with the provincial party committee and provincial government, and urgently adjusted 50 million yuan in funds to Ganzi Prefecture at 15:20 for the earthquake relief in the affected areas. Emergency expenditures to ensure that earthquake relief work is carried out in a timely manner.

Disaster relief materials are loading. Sichuan Emergency Photo Conference

The first batch of 32,000 disaster relief supplies to support the emergency deployment shock zone

After the earthquake, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Emergency Management, the Provincial Food and Material Reserve Emergency Architecture of 4400 tops of the Central Committee, provincial -level disaster relief tents, 14,000 quilts, and 14,000 folding beds. Essence In the future, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Emergency Management will timely allocate disaster relief supplies according to the disaster situation.

Three days from this day Luding County has more showers

It is expected that in the next three days (5th to 7th), there will be more rainfall in Luding County, of which there will be medium rain on the 7th; the maximum temperature is 22-25 ° C, the lowest temperature is 12-15 ° C, and the wind is not large.

The meteorological department reminds that the rainfall in Luding County three days from this day, it is necessary to prevent the adverse effects of rainfall weather on transportation, rescue and emergency response. In addition, the geological conditions after the earthquake are fragile, and it is necessary to strengthen the possible occurrence of landslides, mudslides, collapse, collapse, and collapse.Waiting for disaster.(Source: China News Agency (CNS1952) Comprehensive: China News Network (Liu Zhongjun Sun Zi Fa), CCTV News Client, etc.

Editor -in -chief: Zhang Yanyun

华 Audit: Zeng Fanhua

┃ Review: Wang Hai

(China Youth Network WeChat (ID: Youthzqw), reprint

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