Emergency reminder of Guigang disease control: Please live in Guiyang City, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, come to Guiyang to return to Guizhou personally reporting to report

Author:Guigang Daily Time:2022.09.05

Epidemic overview

Since the first positive case of Guiyang City on August 31, as of 11:00 on September 4, 2022, there were 5 cases of confirmed cases, 22 asymptomatic infections, and 77 cases of positive sieve. , Significantly increased from September 3. In addition, there are 40 40 people with abnormal 10: 1 mixed mining test results. According to the release, this round of epidemic strains are the new crown virus Omikon BA.2.76 mutant strains, which are the same as currently popular strains such as Tibet, Chengdu and other places. The hiddenness is stronger, the source of infection and the spread chain are extremely complicated, and the traceability cannot be confirmed. In addition, Guiding County, Guiding County, Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province, Tongzi County, Zunyi City, and Weijin County, Tongzi County, Zunyi City, and Hengyang City, Hunan Province have successively discovered related cases, suggesting that the epidemic has overflowed, and there are great uncertainty in scale and trend. The risk of proliferation of epidemic spread is very high.

With the coming of the Mid -Autumn Festival and the National Day "Double Festival", the demand for working and visiting relatives and public travel for migrant workers has increased significantly, the liquidity of personnel has further increased, and the risks of the epidemic spread have been further increased. The overall strategy of internal prevention and rebound to ensure the health and life safety of the people in the city.

Urgent reminder


Active report

The following periods and regions come to the expensive person to report the community (village, tun) in time, and implement health management measures such as isolation, health monitoring, and nucleic acid detection:

Since August 25 (inclusive), there have been a history of living in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province to return to your expensive personnel;

Within 7 days, there are reports of local new crown pneumonia.

Persons with intersections with new coronary pneumonia, asymptomatic infected transportation or activity trajectory;

Health code is "red code" or "yellow code" personnel;

After receiving an immune -related information such as a report letter, telephone or SMS, etc.

Please report to the expensive personnel to report to the communities (villages, tuns) and units in the community (village, tun), and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid testing, medical observation or health monitoring.


Active nucleic acid detection

All the local epidemic occurred in the city where the city came from the city to return the expensive person to hold the 48 -hour nucleic acid detection negative certificate. After arriving, it is recommended to detect nucleic acids on the ground. Do a nucleic acid. As a result, do not dinner, no gathering, public transportation, and dense places for crowds before coming out.


Arrange travel reasonably and carefully

Recently, if it is not necessary, do not go to the country, travel or travel or travel to the high -risk area and the area where local epidemics occur. If you really need to go, please report to your community (village, Tun) and work units in advance, and do personal protection; after returning to your expensive, you should take the initiative to report to the community (village, Tun) and work unit. Cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control department to carry out epidemic prevention and control measures such as nucleic acid detection and health monitoring.


Follow the health of yourself and your family

If you or your family has symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, etc., please do a good job of personal protection, go to the medical institution to send a popular kidney for investigation and diagnosis, report to the doctor, the history of travel, the history of contact, and avoid taking the medical treatment on the way to the doctor. public transport.


Pay close attention to the epidemic situation

Please pay close attention to the official WeChat public account epidemic information and the latest epidemic risk level reminder issued by the State Council client applet.


Strengthen vaccine vaccination

Vaccinations in a timely and full process are the most important and effective means to prevent and control the epidemic. Persons who have not vaccinated or have not been vaccinated, especially the elderly, if there is no absolute contraindication of the vaccine, it is recommended to take vaccination as soon as possible.

Kind tips

Omikon's strain is hidden, has stronger communication, and is susceptible to the whole population. In the face of Omircor's mutant strains, vaccination, wearing masks, hard -working hands, more ventilation, less gathering, no concealment, less traveling, less traveling, less traveling Mo panic, exercise more, relax, report!

All citizens and those who come and return your expensive persons to take the initiative to implement and cooperate with the above epidemic prevention requirements. If the epidemic dissemination is caused by intentional concealment, not reporting or refusing to cooperate with the implementation of health monitoring measures, the public security organs will investigate their legal responsibilities in accordance with the law.

The Propaganda Department of the CPC Guigang Municipal Committee hosted the Guidance of the CPC Municipal Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Produced by Guigang Daily/Guigang News Network

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Editor on duty 丹 Pang Danting

Duty head teacher 勇 任 任 任 任

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