Urgent aid!Sichuan Guangyuan Emergency Rescue Force arrived at the assembly point

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.06

Li Kang Cover Journalist Liu Yangu

At 12:52 on September 5th, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, with a depth of 16 kilometers.After the earthquake, Guangyuan City's production safety emergency rescue detachment immediately launched an emergency plan and entered the reserve for standby.

At 14:03 on that day, the detachment dispatched 12 soldiers and 2 rescue vehicles, with drones, life detectors, hydraulic cranes, hydraulic shears, electric expansion pliers, Su Shengsters, lighting equipment, first aid boxes and other rescue rescue rescueEquipment and 72 -hour self -guarantee materials rushed to the disaster area to carry out earthquake rescue rescue.

It is understood that the detachment was originally scheduled to start from Guangyuan City and rushed directly to Moxi Town, Luding County for support.At 19:45, the rescue team just passed the toll station in Tianquan County, Ya'an City, and received a notice to turn the transfers of Asanmian County, Ya'an.At present, the detachment has arrived at the Jacquent Plaza of the Shimon County Party Committee to meet with the Provincial Emergency Rescue Corps, which is undergoing nucleic acid testing and waiting for further orders.(Figure based on Guangyuan City Production Safety Emergency Rescue Detachment)

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