Gaomi City Baicheng Town Building Flood Prevention "Safety Dam"

Author:Gao Mi Rong Media Time:2022.09.06

Since entering the flood season, Baicheng Town has scientifically planned, improved the emergency response plan, accelerated the construction of flood prevention and drainage projects, and was prepared to win the "active battle" of flood prevention.

In the past few days, Zhaojiagou Village, Baicheng Town has donated more than 30,000 yuan of farmland drainage ditch flood prevention projects built by villagers. It has completed the construction of ditch ditch excavation and pipeline installation. Later worries.

Du Cuncun, a document in Zhaojiagou Village, Baicheng Town, said: "This ditch in our village has been in disrepair for a long time, and the long -term blockage is not smooth. Digging into the pipeline and implementing flood prevention projects. Now the drainage in the ditch is smooth, and no need to worry about flood disasters. "

At the same time, Baicheng Town has prominent source governance and engineering water treatment, coordinating the layout of drainage pipe network running projects, categorically promoting the reinforcement of old projects to remove risks, and promoting the construction of the village sewage pipe network reconstruction and the expansion of farmland drainage and sewage expansion to further enhance the town's flood prevention in the town in the town Drainage ability.

Wang Hong, chairman of Baicheng Town People's Congress, introduced that Baicheng Town has solidly promoted the construction of flood prevention projects, coordinated the construction of a drainage pipe network project for the construction of the Jiqing Middle Line, and effectively solved the problem of poor drainage in 5 villages such as Qianzhu and Xizhi. At the same time, villagers, villagers, and social forces are widely guided, integrated intellectual strength, overcome the problem of tensions of funds, and form a strong joint force for building flood prevention projects. At present, Dalu, Zhaojiagou and other villages have spontaneously raised more than 200,000 yuan in funds to complete more than 3,000 meters of pipelines. In the next step, Baicheng Town will accelerate the construction of flood prevention projects, and use the sense of responsibility of "constantly" to protect the safety of the people's lives and property.

(Supply: Sun Wanqian)

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