Wuling District leadership dispatch epidemic prevention and control work

Author:Changde All -Media Time:2022.09.06

On the evening of September 3, Wuling District held an epidemic prevention and control work dispatch meeting.

The meeting analyzed the current situation of the epidemic prevention and control, and arranged and deployed the key work in the next stage.

Looking for health, the whole district must raise awareness and recognize the situation, and resolutely overcome the paralysis thoughts, fluke psychology, and fear of distress., Scientific and precise and effective grasp of the epidemic prevention and control; go all out, strictly adhere to the "external prevention input" mark, strengthen the investigation and control of key groups, strictly implement the measures of "one, one, one sweep and three inspections" measures, and adhere to people's defense and physical defenseThe combination of technical defense, fully control the "door" to control the "small door", build a strict line of prevention and control of the epidemic; strengthen publicity and guidance, pay close attention to the situation of the epidemic situation, and issue reminders in a timely manner to guide the masses to consciously implement individuals and families.Responsibility for prevention and control, strive to achieve group prevention and control, resolutely guard the safety of the central urban area, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

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