Protect the people's livelihood and the people -the Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau solidly fulfills its functions to do a good job of service articles

Author:Putian released Time:2022.09.06

The Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau precisely improving and actively acting. It is the first to achieve full coverage of the construction of the fast inspection room of public middle school in the city. In the city's first elevator safety assessment, regulate market order, and implement brand cultivation.

Persist in the minds of the Republic of China and take the mission of supervision. Since the beginning of this year, the Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau has taken the initiative to integrate into the overall development of the city and the region, actively fulfills market supervision functions, strives to practice behaviors at the beginning of the country, regulates market order, pays attention to elevator safety, promotes brand cultivation Order market environment, assured consumption environment and safe and reliable living environment.

Regulate market order

Guard the peace of the people's livelihood

"Does the quality of learning the quality meet the standard?" "Is it safe for children's toys?" ... The opening season is approaching. For these issues that parents care about, the Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau cooperates with the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau to carry out special sampling of children's products in the circulation field to eliminate hidden dangers to eliminate hidden dangers to eliminate hidden dangers Essence Before the start of school, law enforcement officers involved the school and surrounding, child care institutions, and off -campus food units to supervise and inspect food safety to ensure the safety and orderly schools of schools and child care institutions.

The Mid -Autumn Festival is coming. The staff of the Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau have penetrated into key areas such as shopping malls and supermarkets, farmers' markets, and catering units to supervise and inspect the safety of moon cakes, rice, noodles, oil, wine, and beverages.

Huang Zhixiong, director of the Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau, introduced that the bureau has strengthened supervision and excellent services to the areas where the masses pay attention to. In food safety supervision, deepening food safety "one product, one yard" traceability information management, this year has guided 1017 food production and operation entities to carry out traceability management, and has taken the lead in achieving full coverage of the construction of 22 public middle school fast inspection rooms in the region in the city. At the same time, the construction of the "Ming Kitchen Liang Stove" smart supervision platform has been continuously promoted. At present, 123 access platforms have been connected.

Since the beginning of this year, the bureau has carried out special rectification of drug circulation, the investigation and treatment of hidden dangers of medical equipment quality and safety risks, and special rectification of cosmetics safety, and transferred 5 cases of clues. The United Health and Health Department issued the implementation plan for the construction of the "standardized pharmacy" construction of grass -roots medical institutions, and actively explored the pilot work of the standardization of pharmacy construction of grassroots medical institutions, standardized pharmaceutical management, strengthening risk management, and forming a joint supervision. At present, 107 have been declared.

The masses are important things. Combined with daily supervision and dual random random inspection, the bureau organizes the grass -roots level to investigate the existing fire products, "five small vehicles", gas 具, gas leakage alarm and other products. Products of. Since the beginning of this year, 120 key commodity operators have been checked.

Julin serves the people. The bureau has unblocked complaint reporting channels. From the 12315 hotline, the national 12315 Internet platform received a total of 8,523 complaints, including 5,332 complaints, and 4,807 have been completed; 3191 reports have been reported; 2977.

Innovative evaluation

Follow elevator safety

On August 23, the Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau launched the old elevator safety assessment government purchase service project in Fengmei Jiancheng Community, Zhenhai Street. Right now, the staff sorted out the results of the 20 elevators that completed the assessment, and renovated one by one in 6 categories.

As the life of the elevator continues to extend, the safety problem of elevator is highlighted. In order to further deepen the safety supervision of special equipment such as old elevators in the region and effectively rectify the hidden safety hazards of old elevators, the Licheng District Government allocated special funds for special funds, and in the city (district) of the city (district) in the city, the first manner to purchase third -party services in the city, hires an ownership. The third -party inspection unit of the national inspection qualifications and professional equipment professional and technical inspection and testing institutions to conduct a comprehensive safety assessment of the old elevators.

Chen Qingyan, a first -level main member of the Licheng Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, introduced that elevator safety assessment is based on the logical steps, systematically inspecting hidden dangers related to elevator, identifying the problems of the elevator system, evaluating the risk level, and combining energy -saving transformation technology at the same time. Requires to propose targeted measures and countermeasures to improve the safety level of old elevators from the source.

There are thousands of households in elevator safety. As the residential property community is gradually put into use, the number of elevators in Licheng District has continued to increase, and the entire district is using 4,936 elevators. In January this year, the district's first promotion and application plan for the promotion of elevator safety and intelligent supervision platform in the city, relying on the "Internet of Things+Supervision" big data to achieve the functions of alarm, automatic identification obstacles, soothing the trapped, and other functions to ensure that residents are riding. The safety of the elevator. At present, more than 2,000 elevators in the region have access to the platform.

Strengthen service guidance

Promote brand cultivation

Recently, the leaders of the Licheng District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau led a team to visit the enterprises, carried out policy publicity, strengthened trademark registration guidance services, and guided regular operating enterprises to follow the brand development path.

No standard creation and labeling. In the first half of this year, 4255 trademark registrations were added in the jurisdiction of Licheng, of which 935 of the total number of registered trademarks of shoe and clothing, the total number of trademark registration and the total number of registered trademarks in the shoe and clothing category ranked first in the counties and districts in the city, and the growth rate was the fastest.

"We encourage enterprises to build independent brands step by step, and provide guidance, services and support in all aspects." Huang Zhixiong said that the bureau has made efforts from the integration industrial chain supply chain, enhanced innovation capabilities, and enhance brand quality. Use the "Putian Shoes" collective trademark to actively build a brand ecosystem of government guidance, market -led, multi -party linkage, mutual benefit and win -win. At present, there are six corporate brand shoes such as Shuangchi Industrial, Youth House, Eternal Shoes, Jiudu Technology, Sai Chi Sports, Shoes and Shoes, and so on. The bureau also set up trademark patent business consulting services in intellectual property stocks, and specifies special personnel to be responsible to uniform external services. In order to actively promote the high -quality development of enterprises, the bureau has guided enterprises to apply for standardized subsidies, and this year, 3 companies have applied for 4 standardized subsidies to apply for standardization subsidies.

Frequent grasp, for a long time. The Licheng District Market Supervision Bureau uses loyalty to strengthen market supervision, serve the economic development of the economy with hard work, and write hard to protect the people's livelihood and people's benefits.

(Source: Meizhou Daily Reporter: Lin Xiaoling Correspondent: Weng Guocheng text/picture editor: Xu Yixuan)

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