"Slightly Fire" to the epidemic war, burning to Tianxing "shining flames"

Author:Our space Time:2022.09.06

On August 27, a new crown epidemic in Xichang City, Sichuan Province, began to implement static management, and the epidemic prevention and control situation was extremely severe. At the same time, the Xichang Satellite Launch Center Remote Sensing 35 Group 05 Satellite Launch Mission entered the key stage of sprints, and Xichang Aerospace people once again sounded the conclusion number of the epidemic war and Tianxing.

"We just want to win this tough battle"

Medical staff of Xichang Satellite Launch Center Hospital conduct nucleic acid testing

The epidemic is command, prevention and control is responsibility. The medical staff of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center Hospital heard the order, retrograde, and carried out various tasks in an orderly manner, scattered to various units and remote measurement control points, and performed full -time nucleic acids for aerospace science and technology personnel, family members and employees. Test. Show the nucleic acid detection card, cover the seal of the "inspection", scan the health code of the mobile phone, and then apply the nucleic acid to collect the barcode. Finally, take off the mask and open the mouth. The collection work is very smooth. Back to the department, took off the protective clothing on his body, and found that the shirt was already soaked by sweat, and his face was covered with deep traces. At first, we have to play beautifully!

In this round of epidemic, the central hospital issued a hot ruling and nucleic acid testing for 24 hours, and the nucleic acid testing of more than 5,000 people was undertaken every day. However, the average daily detection volume of the nucleic acid testing laboratory of the hospital was not a hundred. Faced with such a large -scale large -scale nucleic acid test, in order to be able to issue nucleic acid results as soon as possible, all personnel in the inspection department fell in three classes and lived in a folding bed. The front line of epidemic prevention and control.

When the reporter saw Wang Over time when the director of the hospital's disease and control department, he had tracked the samples for two consecutive days and slept. From the nucleic acid laboratory, Wang Chao came to the hospital's doors, guides and other places to investigate whether it was in place. "We are at the forefront of danger, adhere to the principle of prevention and control of‘ active attack, pre -judgment, resolute decisiveness, dare to take responsibility, and fight quickly ’, block the spread of the epidemic, and ensure that the space tasks are all lost."

"I must stick to the post"

Sun Hui's inspection in the tower

"At present, the aerospace launch task is about to perform the task of the space launch. In a special period, a person in the unit is used as a few people. I must stick to the post and cannot affect everyone’s work because of my own personal affairs." Leader said.

The incident happened on August 29, and Sun Hui, who was patrolling on the tower, received a call from his wife: "The child has a fever of 38 degrees, you hurry up and ask for leave." On the phone, his wife's rapid voice, son's kept crying and cough sounds , Instantly made this strong man red.

After a little pause, Sun Hui immediately said to his wife: "You immediately took the car to send your son to the city's children's hospital. First check the cause of the fever and ask the doctor how to treat it. The field area is closed, I can't go. "After two short sentences, Sun Hui continued to start work.

"Wife, how is my son's condition, is it still fever?" The inspection equipment ended back to the dormitory at night. Sun Hui could call his wife to ask the child's condition before eating. "My son's condition has been stable, you can work with peace of mind, I have me at home." "Remember to wear a mask and protect it." "You also, listen to your voice and throat, pay attention to your body, don't be too tired. "A few sentences are simpler, but the mutual understanding and care behind them make the couple feel very warm.

After understanding the situation, the unit leader found Sun Hui for the first time. Sun Hui said that he was guilty as his father and husband, but as an astronaut, especially at this time, he must do his job well. The action of practicing "screws connects the aerospace career and the small button is the nation's dignity" vow.

"The more difficult the moment, the better the mission"

Zheng Yeliang Check the parameter of the remote test equipment

In order to adapt to the overall planning of equipment transformation, to ensure that during the upgrading of a remote test equipment, the remote test data of the initial section of the Rocket flight was accurate and uninterrupted. Area remote test tracking arc segments.

Two mountains and mountains are dangerous, narrow and steep, passing through multiple towns, complicated personnel, and the equipment of the equipment is wide and heavy. Equipment vehicles reach the destination safely, the precise positioning of the north coordinates, and the accurate docking of various cables are all difficult points in the transfer task. To this end, Zheng Yeliang led the staff of the entire group to list the lists in the previous transition process and the hidden risk hazards that may exist, investigated and sold the account one by one, and repeatedly carried out equipment index tests to ensure that the equipment arrived safely and reliably to the predetermined venue.

The successful arrival station of the equipment vehicle does not mean that the transfer is over. Due to the movement of the equipment, it is necessary to re -marked the school. Usually this work takes about two days to complete, but the endless autumn rain in Xichang has increased the task a lot. Technicians need to carry a transmitter, turn over the muddy mountain road, go to six kilometers away from the altitude drop of three hundred kilometers away. Domin's other hills emit signal to marked the school.

"The more you need to take the mission of our own mission, the more we must slow down from the impact of objective conditions.The accuracy of each measurement was finally completed within three days, laying a solid foundation for the successful completion of this space launch task."5, 4, 3, 2, 1, take off!" Take off! "

"Rockets are flying normally."

"Tracking normal."

"Remote test signal is normal."


A sound report from various measurement points seems to be more flushed than ever.Xichang Aerospace people have suffered energy. In this war without smoke, in the test room with the will of beliefs and ability, he insists on dedication, close cooperation, overcome difficulties, and go all out.The qualified answer sheet was handed out to Tianxing.

Source: Our space

Author: Zhang Tianze, Hu Yan, Ji Yingmei, Xu Bin, Wu Yan, Wang Shao Pan, Xie Lin

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