How can online rumors and false information be "cured" to "stop"?

Author:Harbin Net Police Inspection L Time:2022.09.06

Source: Internet joint rumor platform

"Creating a rumor with a mouth and running a rumor to break their legs." People often use it to describe the situation that "it is easy to make rumors but difficult to rumor." The latest report released by the China Internet Network Information Center recently shows that as of the end of June this year, the size of netizens in my country has reached 1.051 billion, and the Internet penetration rate has reached 74.4%. While the Internet is deeply integrated with the people's lives, how to crack down on online rumors and false information has also become a topic of focusing on the whole society.

The Central Caixin Office launched a special operation to combat online rumors and false information

In order to clearly clean up online rumors and false information and create a righteous network environment, on September 2, the Central Cyberspace Office officially launched a three -month "clear -way to combat online rumors and false information" specially launched. action. Who is making online rumors? Who is passing? Old rumors have repeatedly spread and new rumors have emerged endlessly. Why are the problems repeatedly banned? What legal liabilities do I need to bear rumors and rumors? "How can we stop" online rumors and false information?

How many categories of online rumors? How to deal with it?

The network space is complex and changeable, and the massive Internet information is even more mixed with fish and dragons. How many categories can the network rumors and false information in it? How to govern each type of targeted manner? Look at the specific provisions of the Central Cyberspace Office in this "clear" special operation.

The Central Network Information Office requires that rumors and false information such as the major meetings, important activities, important policies, insulting and slandering heroes, desecration of desecration of heroes and martyrs' deeds, etc., must be cleaned up and resolved. For public emergencies such as production safety, transportation, and natural disasters, especially rumors and false information such as rumors, rumors, and police conditions in danger, rumors, and police conditions, we must actively urge relevant departments to strengthen positive responses, clarify the facts, and respond to concerns. Rumors and false information in the fields of society, economy, and people's livelihoods must be strengthened, communicating with relevant departments, promoting timely sounds to make rumors, prevent diffusion and spread, and mislead the people.

Who is "making" online rumors? Who is "passing"?

Online rumors and false information involve almost all aspects of social life. Many of them seem to be "nose and eyes", which makes people really falsely discern. After a lot of spread, it is easy to cause adverse social impact. Where does these online rumors come from? Who is "making"? Who is "passing"?

Why are there constant artificial rumors and rumors and stir -fry the old rumors?

The crayfish are all parasites, and they are infected when they eat them; they must close their mobile phones tonight to prevent high -radiation cosmic rays from hurting their bodies; some people use the range hood to grab children. Rumors, do many friends listen to it? They appear almost every year, just like viruses, repeated rumors and recurrence. The special operation of the "Clear Range · Campaign of online rumors and false information" is to focus on solving the problem of repeated spread of old rumors and endless new rumors. Why do people always make rumors, rumors, and stir -fry the old rumors?

How to increase the accountability of rumors and rumors?

One of the focus of rumors and false information is undoubtedly a traceability and strike from the source. How can we increase the accountability of traceability? Let's look at the specific measures of this "clear" special operation.

The first is to urge the website platform to strengthen the construction of technical means, enhance the ability of traceability, and deal with the platform account of the starting rumors and false information. The second is to formulate and improve the rules for punishment of online rumors and false information disposal. Based on the degree of severity, whether the starting, and the number of reposts, we will take measures such as warnings, prohibitions, and permanent ban. Third, the main body of the account of the first harsh rumors, the spread of rumors multiple times, and the use of rumors to make malicious marketing speculation, which is included in the blacklist management. The plot is particularly serious. The entire network is prohibited from registering a new account. The fourth is to regularly centralize the punishment of the exposure disposal, announce the typical cases of illegal and violations, and form a strong deterrent.

How to increase punishment for malicious marketing hype accounts?

In the above -mentioned specific measures, one is particularly attractive, that is, to include the main body of the account of malicious marketing speculation in rumors, the main body of the hype of the rumors is included in the blacklist management. If the plot is particularly serious, the new account is prohibited from the entire network. Why particular emphasis on this?

What legal punishment will be faced on the Internet?

The Internet has never been outside the law. What legal responsibilities do they need to bear rumors and rumors?

Experts tell us that the legal liabilities that need to be assured on the Internet and spread rumors are mainly divided into three types: one is civil liability. That is, if the rumors infringe the reputation of the civil subject, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of my country, we must bear the corresponding civil liability. The second is administrative responsibility. That is, if the rumors are scattered, those who report the danger, epidemic, alert, or deliberately disturb the public order in other methods, or fabricate the facts to slander others, will not constitute a crime, detention, fines, etc. in accordance with the "Public Security Management Penalty Law" and other regulations, etc. Administrative penalties. The third is criminal responsibility. That is, if your behavior constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility should be investigated in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law.

For example, if someone insults others on the Internet or fabricates the facts to slander others, it constitutes the crime of insulting and slander. If the circumstances are serious, they may be sentenced to three years in prison, detention, control or deprivation of political rights.

How to improve and improve the rumor mechanism to make the truth "run" rumors?

Online rumors and false information are like weeds. In addition to removing it in time, it is necessary to make the field full of healthy crops in order to minimize the living space of weeds. How to take the initiative to let the truth run rumors? The Central Network Information Office requires that key websites should open a rumor column, and timely forward the China Internet joint rumor platform and authoritative information of relevant departments to fully push the presentation. The website platform should display important rumor information in a timely manner in the comments. When searching for keywords involved in rumors, it highlights the rumor information in the search results. At the same time, we must study the recommendation of the comprehensive algorithm. For users who have been in contact with rumors and false information, we will accurately push related rumor information and improve the effect of rumoring. Strengthen the coordinated linkage with relevant competent authorities, improve the working mechanisms such as information reporting, clue transfer, and joint disposal. When major online rumors occur, jointly release authoritative information to clarify the facts in a timely manner and respond to the concerns of the masses.

China Internet Joint Rumor Platform Drawing: Yin Lu

In addition, various website platforms should strengthen online rumors and false information clues monitoring reports. The website platform normalization has carried out daily monitoring and clue collection, and reported in time as required. Key website platforms should set up online rumors and false information to report the entrance, refine the classification standards, launch actively reporting of the majority of netizens, and widely provide evidence clues.

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Edit: Weekend