In 2022, the National Network Security Propaganda Zhou Xinzhou event was launched

Author:Xinzhou Daily Time:2022.09.06

Guo Bensheng announced that the event was launched

Event site. Photo by Fan Chen

On September 5th, the launching ceremony of the national network security propaganda Zhou Xinzhou was held in the ancient city of Xinzhou. Guo Bensheng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, attended the launching ceremony and announced the launch of the event. The members of the Municipal Party Committee's Network Information Commission, the relevant departments of the municipalities, the colleges and universities, and the news media were in charge of the leaders.

Guo Bensheng announced the start of the event. Photo by Fan Chen

In this National Cyber ​​Security Propaganda Week, the city will jointly organize campus days with relevant units and departments through special activities such as Internet laws and regulations and regulations. Telecom Day, rule of law day, finance day, youth day, personal information protection day and other colorful series theme days activities, in a way that is easy to understand and happy to promote network security concepts, popularize network security knowledge, and promote network security skills.

Guo Bensheng pointed out that in the whole society, we have extensively carried out cyber security propaganda and education activities, related to national security and social development, related to the work and life of the general public, and related to the vital interests of netizens. Relevant departments should continue to focus on the theme of "network security for the people and network security", organize centralized propaganda, and promote the popularization and application of network security knowledge with open vision and rich forms, and create a full -scale creation of the whole society. Cyber ​​security defense and sharing of the strong atmosphere of clear network space.

Visit the propaganda exhibition board. Photo by Fan Chen

Guo Bensheng emphasized four opinions on the construction of the city's network security. First, we must adhere to extensive participation in building safety. Relevant departments should thoroughly implement the "two responsibility systems" of network ideology and network security, and promote the normalization and institutionalization of cyber security propaganda and education. Second, we must adhere to the safety of common management and protection. Governments at all levels, various enterprises, various network social organizations, and the majority of netizens must consciously abide by laws and regulations to form a strong joint force to jointly maintain network security. Third, we must persist in building a line of defense to abide by safety. Internet information departments at all levels should give full play to the leading role of network security work, and coordinate relevant departments to work together to build a "firewall" of cyber security. Fourth, we must persist in promoting development and enjoyment. It is necessary to vigorously cultivate the development of network security industries, support the promotion and application of new network security technologies, allow the Internet to better serve the masses, serve the society, and promote development, and provide a strong network security guarantee for the city's economic and social development.

Release publicity materials. Photo by Fan Chen

After the launching ceremony, Guo Bensheng and his party visited the propaganda exhibition board, distributed publicity materials for the masses, and signed on the signature wall. (Zhang Yan)

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